Narain Karthikeyan

Narain Karthikeyan

Bernie Ecclestone has vowed to talk directly to Vijay Mallya about putting Narain Karthikeyan at the wheel of a Force India.

Earlier this weekend in India, Mallya's deputy chief Bob Fernley ruled out signing F1's only Indian driver on the basis that Karthikeyan is not good enough.

But with the F1 chief executive keen to see his sport succeed in the lucrative Indian market, and 35-year-old Karthikeyan at risk of bowing out at the end of the year, Ecclestone admitted he thinks the two sides should get together.

"I think Narain should be driving a Force India but you have to talk to Vijay and see what he says," Ecclestone told the Times of India.

According to India's Telegraph newspaper, he added: "I think Narain should be driving for Force India. I will talk to Vijay and see what he says."

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