Sep.11 - Dr Helmut Marko has hit reverse gear following backlash about his comments linking Sergio Perez's nationality with his basic characteristics as a Formula 1 driver.

The powerful Red Bull advisor had told the energy drink company's own Servus TV broadcaster that because Mexican Perez is "South American", he is "just not as completely focused in his head as Max (Verstappen) is or Sebastian (Vettel) is".

His critics called the comments racist, while organisers of the Mexican GP also condemned Marko.

"Inappropriate comments have no place in any area, including sports," a statement posted in Spanish read.

"What is important now is that steps are taken to prevent this from happening again and an apology is made where necessary. We encourage everyone to build a more respectful and united community in Formula 1."

Austrian Marko, 80, duly told the Osterreich newspaper amid the backlash: "I didn't mean it that way.

"I meant that a Mexican has a different mentality than a German or a Dutchman. But who knows. Maybe he is able to control himself."

A statement attributed to Marko, who has previously admitted that his Red Bull contract runs until the end of 2024, was also posted on the Servus TV website.

"I would like to make it clear that I am firmly convinced that you cannot generalise people, regardless of their culture, nationality or ethnic origin," he said.

"It was wrong to make a reference to his origins. I would like to apologise for that."

Some analysts, however, believe Marko is determined to keep the pressure on Perez, who technically has a valid contract with Red Bull through 2024.

"I think that after the season so far, it is important to be in an environment in the next races in which I have the feeling that I am contributing something," Pérez told DAZN Espana last week.

"If this feeling is missing in 2024, I'll have to look for alternatives."

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12 F1 Fan comments on “F1 in Hot Water: Marko's Racial Comments Spark Outrage and Reversal

  1. ReallyOldRacer

    The doc needs to sign up for a couple of courses. First, a class in world geography. Second, a deep dive into F1 history. Checo is NORTH American. And, South America has produced some of the best racers in our history. Fangio and Senna come to mind. smh

  2. shroppyfly

    Has perez accidentally fallen into a guaranteed seat for 24 with the Docs comments, nothing would surprise me in f1 or the way the world is these days..!!, go on Perez sue Rb for personal pain and whatever the daft lawyers will say you've suffered because of The Good Doctors Daft Words lol

  3. Les

    It's not a racist comment. All he was saying was that people from different countries have particular characteristics eg Italians talk with their hands are passionate, English are reserved , Japanese are polite.
    I'm Australian and it is said we are laid back . That is not racist it is a trait.Who hasn't said about somebody attributing an action or speech by that person to their countries well known characteristic traits.
    He got the geographical location wrong but a storm in a teacup , absolute nonsense.

    • shroppyfly

      I couldn't agree more, but that's what happens and immediately words like Unacceptable get overused, and whose shouting loudest , Good old Louise and her Dad , that's a surprize.............

    • ReallyOldRacer

      Les, I seldom argue with an Aussie but you've got it wrong this time. IMO, it is never smart to pigeon-hole someone due to perceived attributes of a society. To wit, all Mexicans are either lazy layabouts or part of a drug cartel? The doc's comments WERE the definition of racist. Placing Mexico in South America was a silly gaffe, but ignoring great South American drivers was just plain stupidity. Again, IMO.


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