2 more drivers not in with Hamilton's vegan message

Two of Lewis Hamilton's rivals have questioned the environmental message proclaimed by the five time world champion.
The Mercedes driver caused a stir between the Japanese and Mexican grands prix when he said veganism is the "only way to truly save our planet".
"Everyone tries to do their thing to help," said Kimi Raikkonen when asked about Hamilton's comments.
"But I guess as Formula 1 drivers, our starting point is not the best. I mean, we're here, burning fuel - and why? To decide who is first, second and third.
"It's a serious issue but I'm not sure we are the right ones, because if we were consistent then we would have to stay at home," the 40-year-old added.
"Anyway, I think it's strange to talk about this issue on a race weekend."
With a predictably even stronger stance against Hamilton's environmental message is Max Verstappen.
"I like to burn fuel," he smiled. "Can I say that?
"I don't like electric motors. Caring for the environment is very important, but Formula 1 has existed for many years and it should continue.
"If you don't like it, don't watch it," the Red Bull driver added.
Verstappen also rejected Hamilton's claim that everyone should become vegan.
"I saw a documentary about athletes benefiting from that diet, but I think that's not too relevant for Formula 1. We are not cyclists or marathon runners.
"And I like to eat burgers," Verstappen laughed.
Asked if he had tried one of the vegan burgers sold by Lewis Hamilton's new burger joint in London, Verstappen insisted: "I love real meat!
"Everyone is free to choose what they want or need to do, so no - I'm not going to become a vegan."
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This just shows what an idiot Mad Max is- he really has nothing upstairs on his brain when it comes to having common sense and reflective thoughts!
What pathetic comments are these Max- you are not on the same planet as us and Lewis!
And Lewis Hamilton, who does nothing but round a track very fast burning loads of fuel in a pointless exercise of consuming planetary resources for entertainment know better?
I applaud Mad Max, Humans have been eating meat since the beginning, it's how we're wired, it's how we're made and it's healthy for us to do so.
Lewis jumps on a band-wagon to make even more money than his ridiculous €40M+ salary for driving a car very fast and people buy it.
I'm a Hamilton fan, I think he's still the best driver on the planet, but off-track he's a bit of a twat
I do not surport Max verstappen but for a change he is talking some sense. I eat meat and so do a lot of people. and i believe meat eaters will carry on doing so. Hamilton going on about the planet well he really needs to think before he speaks. no wonder he retracted his message.
Pam,-Shame on you.The World does not revolve around Lewis but you seem blissfully unaware of this basic fact.I have no love for Max V. but I acknowledge that he is right on his recent comments on Lewis's latest verbal misjudgment vis a vis 'saving the planet while driving a several million £ racing car at 200 mph. Ivory towers can and do crumble,ofttimes bringing the occupants with it.
Interesting that there are no comments herre re RAI's very well reasoned statement, yet many who wax poetic about the entitled brat's comments. Hmmm...
Agree really old racer! RAI comment is short and to the point but he is another one who has nothing upstairs in his head most of the time- even though I hate to admit this but RAI's comment shows he is trying to say something constructive for once !
Unfortunately Lewis is suffering from 2 things, one a vegans need to convert everyone and promoting eating vegan because he's got money invested in selling vegan food. His comments just do not ring true with the reality of who he is and what he does. We are not, as a species, carnivores, we are omnivores, with a digestive system designed to eat pretty much anything we come across and stick in our mouths. Vegans need to take supplements to augment their diet simply because it does not provide all their bodies need to thrive. We as a species have fallen under the spell of big agri biz, their methods of growing food, including meat, are very destructive. Those methods need to be regulated. The really big, bright blue elephant in the room that no one talks about is the real problem, there are too many of us on this planet, and all of us are being used as a means of some few of us getting filthy rich at the demise of our health and our planet. Be quiet Lewis and drive, you are one hell of a good driver...
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