We made some pictures to compare the 2012 and 2013 version of the successful  Lotus F1 car.

Comparison Lotus E20 & Lotus E21 frontview

Comparison Lotus E21 & Lotus E20 frontview

E21 Frontview comparison

From the front view of the 2 cars we can see a lot of different things, but because of the black color they are hard to discover.

Comparison Lotus E20 & Lotus E21 sideview

Comparison Lotus E20 & Lotus E21 sideview

The biggest changes are on the outer flaps of the front wing. There some ajustments on the curves of the flaps. Lotus also made some extra wings like McLaren did in 2012 (Belgium GP) above the sidepods (airtak ins for radiators.

E21 Sideview comparison

Because these 2 pictures from the side are taken with different opticals its hard to compare the cars. The biggest changes we can see are the rear wing. Lotus has designed and build a completely different rear wing. Like all other cars the Lotus also has coanda exhaust now. The big bulb on the back is gone and changed into a nice flowing sidepod.

We can also se that the front wing attachement has a different shape. It use to be more curved. The engine cover looks more or less the same.

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