Dec.16 - Bernie Ecclestone has questioned whether seven time world champion Lewis Hamilton really deserves his knighthood.

On Wednesday, just days after narrowly missing a record eighth world title in Abu Dhabi, the Mercedes driver was officially knighted by Prince Charles in a traditional sword ceremony at Windsor Castle.

"Only people who have really done something for the country should be knighted," 91-year-old Ecclestone, the former F1 supremo, told the German broadcaster n-tv.

"I don't think many people who are knighted now really deserve it. They all make a lot of money and donate some to charity but they haven't done anything specific for the country," he insisted.

Ecclestone also hit out at Hamilton's Mercedes boss Toto Wolff, for the way he behaved after Red Bull's Max Verstappen won the world championship in Abu Dhabi.

"Other team members were probably angry too," the Briton said, "but he was the only one to show it.

"If Mercedes don't win the championship retrospectively, he should at least get an Oscar for acting."

Red Bull's Dr Helmut Marko is also highly critical of the way Mercedes is still yet to drop its threat to appeal Verstappen's title win.

He said it was the great Niki Lauda, Wolff's sidekick at Mercedes, who came up with the slogan for F1's new attitude to making decisions during races.

"'Let them race', that's what Niki said," said Marko. "Unfortunately he died too early."

The 78-year-old Austrian said of Mercedes' appeal: "Given our understanding of sport, we would never do that."

However, it is believed Mercedes will now drop the appeal ahead of Thursday's deadline, but former driver Christian Danner thinks the reputational damage has already been done.

"First, they didn't become world champion. Now they look like bad losers as well," he said.

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30 F1 Fan comments on “Ecclestone hits out at Hamilton's knighthood

  1. shroppyfly

    Hmmm, afraid hes right, im betting on a statement from Lewis for millions of followers and fans, quitting f1 for being disillusioned....come on Hammy wheres your fight?

    His knight was announced months ago , this was just the official ceremony for it

    • ReallyOldRacer

      Knighthood aside, where are awardguy and the taxi driver? Shouldn't they be fessing up to their lousy predictions, or are they also in denial ala the totster?

      To remind them, Sir Lewis did not win the WDC, and BOT covered PER by 36 points assuring the WCC for MB by 28 points. Long live facts and data.

      • shroppyfly

        Jax and Lulu are on a 24 zoom call crying into each others arms i hear, Totos locked in the asylum, shouting No Michael Nooo..., so what do you think Ror, is he going to quit the sport amd make my Christmas wish come true ?

        • ReallyOldRacer

          I'm rooting for you but I think that $$$$$ are a powerful motivator. But, smile, we will have a whole season of laughing at his fall into the abyss of defeat and despair.

      • Jax

        Oh I'm still around Cornballs. As to the crying, you seem to forget who I am as I'm sure I don't seem the crying type. Like when I had Fly guy crying to the moderators and Old fella a.k.a Mr. Sensitive begging me to stop picking on him 😄. The cries when I lay on the heat. Enjoy the lucky break Muppets. Winning a championship once has been done many times. Many, like this one, under lucky circumstances too. Just ask the Rosbergs! Lol. But let's see him try and repeat it next year.
        Your fear of Lewis is why your kind keeps harping on retirement. Good luck!

  2. ReallyOldRacer

    Marko: "The 78-year-old Austrian said of Mercedes' appeal: "Given our understanding of sport, we would never do that.""

    Excuse me, bullshit. The doc is the most dystopian jerkwad in F1. Make no mistake, VER deserves the WDC for what he did throughout the season, not for the Abu Dhabi fiasco. But, if he had been denied the trophy Marko would be sitting on a tree branch chirping like a wounded bird.

  3. Jax

    As to Ecclestonage, the mouth on this decrepit gnome should be added fuel for Sir Lewis. Putting this fossil of a midget in his place would be an added bonus for 2022.

  4. shroppyfly

    The clock is ticking , Toto needs to know his drivers for next year, pushing Lulu for a yes , will just make it easier for him to quit, pressure builds.....less than 3 months to 1st race, come on either sh*t or get off the pot as they say in UK .

  5. Patrick

    Allez les gars, faisons de la comédie mais pas d'insultes. A chacun son opinion, bien qu'on peut aussi les confronter mais tout en restant poli et civilisé. Pas de débordements, nous sommes sur des sites assez valorisés, assez visités donc il nous incombe de ne pas ternir l'image avec d'insultes et propos inacceptables.

  6. Joe Curry

    Bernie needs to stay away from F1 and stop commenting on things that don't concern him. His influence is nil and he needs to learn that people generally don't want to hear his point of view.

    • ReallyOldRacer

      Joe, Bernie might be nearing his expiration date but his opinion is just as valid as the rest of we wankers. Open your mind. You kids might not care much about history but, good or bad, the guy did bring F1 out of the cottages and into the boardrooms.

      • Joe Curry

        At almost 75 years of age, I am hardly a "kid". And Bernie brought F1 into his bank account, that's all. G
        His ego is what has been detrimental to F1.

        • ReallyOldRacer

          Joe, I stand corrected and apologize. Substitute 'senile old farts' for 'kids' in my post (btw, I qualify for the category & am laughing). You do know that Bernie offered equal shares in F1 to every team and they turned him down, don't you? Like it or not (and I don't), he built the biz and deserved the rewards.

          • shroppyfly

            Bang on Ror --You do know that Bernie offered equal shares in F1 to every team and they turned him down, don't you? Like it or not (and I don't), he built the biz and deserved the rewards

  7. Adrian Roscher

    The knighthood was announced months ago and therefor put into works months prior to the announcement - no doubt for his record-tying 7th world championship and if Lewis wasn't who he is, that would've been fine. But Lewis has proven time and again he is no gentleman - and only gentlemen and gentlewomen should be accorded the honor, imho. Just this year the way he partied after sending Max to the hospital with his clumsy move at Copse (never mind the wholly inadequate 5-sec penalty) showed how ungentlemanly he really is - but all one needs to do is take a look at the way he treats his little dogsbody Angela. While he zips thru the pit lane on his silly little children's razor scooter, she is made to trot behind him carrying all his kit and helmet for him - I find that utterly disgraceful. One wonders if the Queen has seen any of that behavior.

  8. rulon black

    Really Bernie?
    Insulting Hamilton for receiving an honor that will never come your way is petty even for you. Go back to your ancestral home with the rest of the bridge trolls.

  9. smokey

    Bernie who??
    He is absolutely bright green with envy!
    It's not up to him who deserves the honour, so he should show some respect to the system.

    • ReallyOldRacer

      Respet British knighthood? C'mon, smokey, you're better than that. For the past 70-80 years OBE recognition has been a farce and a travesty of the original intent, rather like American radio pundits and actors being granted the US Medal of Freedom. Yuck.

      • shroppyfly

        I think an awful lot of Brits would agree with that statement, and in a way that's sad, but thats life now lets move on


  10. shroppyfly

    Heh Smokey , the only thing that's Bright Green were the teenie style almost Kermit coloured trainers Hamster wore when he graciously appeared (albeit not addressing the media) at Merc Hq the other day).

  11. Maria Yvonne Franssen

    Mr. Ecclestone had already told before the last Abu Dhabi race, that he had thought that Lewis would have left F1 after his 7th title. After the controversial loss in Abu Dhabi, Lewis would not return in 2022 into the ring, Ecclestone thought, and then Lewis could start to realize "his dream in fashion", Ecclestone said. And last but not least Ecclestone said, that Lewis did not deserve the knighthood award. In my opinion, Mr. Ecclestone is a 91-year-old man who should consider to leave the F1-world himself, instead of talking Lewis out of the ring. Lewis deserves his 'Sir' title not only for his 7 F1-titles, but also because he is a man of high moral standards. And because he also does many social things. Jacky Stewart was also knighted. Let's hope Lewis will return into the ring in 2022. But if he doesn't return, i suppose he will have good reasons for that. I hope he will return this year for another brilliant F1-year with Max Verstappen and for his 8th title.


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