Ecclestone & Marko disagree over Russian GP axe

Mar.2 - Bernie Ecclestone has risked condemnation by describing Russian president Vladimir Putin as "straightforward and honourable".
Putin is being almost universally slammed for his incursion into Ukraine which is affecting every corner of the globe, including Formula 1.
But Ecclestone, 91, defended the 69-year-old former KGB officer, with whom he conceived the current Russian GP in the resort city Sochi which has just been cancelled for 2022.
"As a person I found him very straightforward and honourable," Ecclestone told Times Radio.
"He did exactly what he said he was going to do without any arguments."
Ecclestone criticises the Sochi axe, arguing that it is "not going to make any difference to anything else that has happened in the world".
"Maybe other people think it was the right thing for Russia to do," he said. "So how can anyone else judge exactly what is happening there today?"
The Briton also dismissed the impact of Sebastian Vettel's threat to boycott the race if it gets the green light once again, insisting he is "just one person in the event".
Ecclestone normally finds backing for some of his more controversial statements from Red Bull's tough top executive Dr Helmut Marko - but not on this topic.
"It was very clear from our drivers that they don't want to drive in a country that has triggered such a war of aggression," he told RTL.
"It is actually unimaginable that something like this could happen. Then when you see the brutality with which they are proceeding and the threatening gestures, it's all very, very frightening," Marko, 78, added.
The Austrian is now hoping widespread international sanctions, including cancellation of the Russian GP, will have an impact on forthcoming "peace talks".
"The positive side for me now is the cohesion within Europe," said Marko. "The fact that they are showing 'you cannot do this'.
"I can only fully understand all the sanctions and support them personally."
However, Marko also has some criticism of Europe, including the realisation that "we criminally neglected spending on the military".
"We all believed, in our war-free state, that we can rely on laws and regulations," he said.
Marko said axing Sochi is "the only right thing" to do.
"Sport is a way to present and distinguish yourself. It would only be counterproductive if we gave Russia the chance to position itself positively again to a worldwide audience with a grand prix," he added.
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A Vlad the Invader sympathizer....Mr. Ecclestonage. Give the fossil midget asshole a round of applause ladies and gentleman. He's right on brand. What a guy. His fans must be so proud!
While MBS's decision on Mazepin is not ideal, I'll cut him some slack for cacelling the Russian GP and a bonus stripe for kicking Masi to the curb. I suspect he figured each host country of a race can restrict entry of any Russian.
Though I'm no fan of BoJo the clown PM, good on Britain for barring Mazepin. Let's see if others follow suit.
Its important to note that these quotes were taken from an interview BE gave 3 yrs ago, if anyone takes the time to listen to the times radio interview that is
Times radio interview 25th Feb 2022, Before the full blown invasion/war
Honourable guy quote etc from interviews in 2017 and 2019 in relation to the Sochi race .
Why is it “important” to note the time frame? He’s still an old(er) fool showing a weird predisposition to certain things.
because using these quotes from whats happening today is er incorrect, back when sochi gp was first held in 2014 ,The same year Russia invaded Crimea, to wit the world did bugga all....
Shrop', you know that we must give the journo's some slack re facts and data. This year, two years ago, two decades ago, who cares? The lemmings will buy into anything. Let's sell clicks.
Re Bernie. He appears to be doing his best dotard personality.
Three years ago, there was already plenty of evidence that Vlad was assassinating ex-patriots with nerve agents and radioactive isotopes. Putin and these billionaires are a nest of rats. Shroppyfly is a shameless BE apologist.
Sorry to change the subject but I had a giggle when George Russell mentioned that his test runs were resembling a dolphins movement called dolphining I just visualised the film "magnificent men in their flying machines" makes me wander what the first few laps of the 2022 gp is going to be like.
Exciting and can't wait D
Thank you for changing the subject...
I wholly side with Marko on this matter.
Well, Putin IS about as straightforward and honourable as Bernie.
Bernie is about as true as a three pound bank note and as straight as a dog's hind leg! Bernie left his mark on F1 just the same as Adolf Hitler left his mark on Western Europe. Let's move forward and leave those issues behind us!
This is the first time I have ever read a quote from Marko that is credible! I agree with him wholeheartedly. It just goes to show that sometimes, although not often, Marko is capable of intellectual conversation.
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