Ecclestone might be banned from races

Jun.29 - Former F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone has aimed fire at his successor amid a new movement of racial politics within the sport.
Both Formula 1 and its six-time world champion Lewis Hamilton reacted with astonishment after Ecclestone, 90, said during an interview with CNN that "in many cases black people are more racist than white people".
Hamilton called the comments "ignorant and uneducated".
But Formula 1, now run by Chase Carey and Liberty Media, went even further, saying Ecclestone's view has "no place in Formula 1 or society".
In a statement, Liberty added that Ecclestone "has played no role in Formula 1" since he became chairman emeritus in 2017, adding that the "honorific" role "expired in January 2020" anyway.
It has also been suggested that Ecclestone will now be banned from races.
"I wouldn't advise them to do that," he told the Daily Mail.
"They might want to try it in Russia. I think I could probably find a pass," added Ecclestone, who is often invited to that Sochi race by Vladimir Putin.
As for Chase Carey, whose wife Wendy reportedly deleted her Twitter account after it emerged she supports Donald Trump, Ecclestone slammed his $1 million contribution to a new anti-racism foundation.
"They have jumped on this racism thing suddenly because of events in America," Ecclestone. "Now Chase has put in all of $1 million - enough to get a mechanic into go-karting.
"Maybe he should concentrate on doing what the shareholders want. Covid was good for him. He could blame everything he hasn't achieved on that."
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Bernie always says whats on his mind. Wish he would buy Williams. Chase and his wife are such politically correct hypocrites.... POLITOCRYTES
Cool, a new word.
Bernies freshness date was up ten years ago
Now he is just a sad sad tiny little boy
Bernie has no expiration, a few weird ideas and opinions, but he will live as "Bernie" until he dies. Coach, embrace the past, it is the future. We ignorant humans demonstrate that every day.
Nicely said ReallyOldRacer.
Yes. Well said!
This is hilarious. Bravo for saying what's on your mind Bernie. Consider yourself lucky. In 2020 such a comment will get you banned from races. In 2024, such a comment might mean your power and water are cut off. That's if you haven't been murdered by a roaming gang because the police force has been disbanded/de-funded.
Yes, it seems that freedom of speech is becoming more politically incorrect to the hypocrites every day. Now, STFU&D!
Good on you Bernie. How can it be right to say white people are racist and wrong to say black people are racist?
Good on you Bernie say it as it is no BS
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