Jul.17 - Two Formula 1 legends have questioned Lewis Hamilton's recent racial activism.

At each race so far in 2020, the Mercedes driver has led a line of his colleagues in kneeling in support of the Black Lives Matter political movement, and on the podium last Sunday he even showed a 'Black Power' fist.

"I have great respect for Lewis, but he was always accepted and respected by the whole world," 1978 world champion Mario Andretti told El Mercurio.

"I think the point of this campaign is pretentious. I am sorry that it seems to be creating a problem that does not exist," he added.

Andretti also questioned the way Mercedes has painted its 2020 car black in support of the fight against racism.

"I don't know what that will do," said the 80-year-old.

"I have met drivers of all different origins and races and I have always welcomed them with open arms. In motorsports, no matter your colour, you must earn your place with results and that is the same for everyone," Andretti added.

"I wish politics was not mixed with sport. There is a time and a place to voice your opinions but what happened in Nascar with Bubba Wallace turned into something bigger than it should be.

"It was disproportionate and without reason, but that's what happens when you think about politics before anything else."

Another world champion and F1 legend, triple title winner Sir Jackie Stewart, agrees that the racism problem is "not as big" as Hamilton is making it out to be.

"He's quite vocal about these elements, but I don't think there's as big a problem as there might seem," he told Good Morning Britain.

"There is no resistance for change if someone is clever and good at what they do. They will be accepted in Formula 1," said Stewart.

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30 F1 Fan comments on “F1 legends question Hamilton's racial activism

  1. Alexander Hoey

    I totally agree with these legends, some people are just trying to make a name for themselves and will probably just exacerbate the situation, Mario put it quite succinctly everyone must earn their place in life and not expect to be given everything on a plate.

    • Doodleoo

      He had backing from Mclaren from an early age, they paid for everything in his Karting, so he may not have be privileged but due to his backing he was privileged by having the best equipment for FREE so is that not privilege?

  2. John

    The protests are NOT political, they are the frustrated expression of almost all non-white people around the world. Their oppression is in every arena. To say that motorsport casts a blind eye to color is wonderful, but for a person of color like Lewis, it is important for him to stand up against the oppression of all the people of his race. More power to him.

  3. I can't remember

    These legends don't understand the problem as evidenced by saying "I don't think there's as big a problem as there might seem," I was going to say what world are they living in but I am sure they don't have the perspective of everyman or Jane and John Doe because it is a big problem.

  4. GS Carroll

    As much as I like J Stewart and M Andretti they’ll never be black they’ll never know what it is to be black! So they should just keep their political opinions to themselves! Hamilton is the best F1 driver in the world at the moment and better than Schumacher ever was! Hamilton isn’t a dirty driver M Schumacher can’t say that and Hamilton has never had races handed to him like they did it Ferrari!

    • MC

      C'mon man... Schumacher is the GOAT and if your little POS supporting that hateful ideology that is BLM can express is opinion, Stewart and Andretti can also.

    • John Mitchell

      Although I agree with your points on Lewis talents but the rest is crap. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves.
      Get on wirh life without regrets. Life is far too short. Live and let live.

  5. Craig Bailey

    A waste of time and trying to get more attention for himself. Not many poor underprivileged blacks in Formula 1 and not genuine from a zillionaire. Shut up and drive. Donate money to a worthy cause instead of grandstanding. Try actually donating time and effort and actually march instead of a publicity stunt.

      • Doodleoo

        But he still drives for Mercedes who used inturned Jews to make cars for the Nazis, Hugo Boss (Mercedes Sponsor) was Hitlers personal tailor and designed the Nazis uniforms, Tommy Hilfiger ( how Lewis has designed clothes with) was found guilty of slave labour in an India Mill in 2018. SO the man needs to address them issues ibefore he demands the drivers do as he wishes.

  6. Rob

    When I read the headline the 'legend' one of them was predictable. Any chance to have a go at Hamilton and Stewart is their. Its pathetic. Hamilton is standing up for a cause that affects him personally the response from some is odd like he shouldn't dare speak out. Keep it up Lewis and let's hope he scrubs the cheating Schumi from the top of the record books.

    • GS Carroll

      I’ve never heard so many white men talk about racism and being black Like they know what it’s like! What a bunch of idiots! Hamilton has the right to voice his opinion like you voice yours! So bugger off Hamilton is the best driver in F1

    • John Mitchell

      I can see the affect. Must be absolutely devastating. Who is kidding who? Gwt over it Lewis - you are far better than that. Do not put your fans off. You will if you continue along the lines you are following. You are the ultimate - black or white makes absolutely no difference. It will however if you continue following a Marxist far left cause. This is from one who is neither far left or far right.

  7. Craig Bailey

    Sad Hamilton never mentioned any racism in all these years until the Floyd incident in USA. Do it during Covid and when you are negotiating a new contract and have all the press. Disingenuous at best. He can have his opinion but should not lecture those who don't kneel. It's called freedom of speech. Obviously he's not American.

  8. rulon black

    Amazing. J. Stewart spent a considerable amount of time in his book "Winning Is Not Enough" describing how he, as a Scotsman, was bullied and overlooked in his racing career.

  9. Frederick

    It is one thing standing up for something you believe not to be right but anyone who knows anything about the BLM movement, will know that its ideals and ideology goes against all that is good. BLM portrays anarchy, breaking down of decent family values and reverse racism . Lewis should've studied them a bit before siding with them. Two wrongs have never made one right!

  10. Les

    I agree with Mario Andretti . Leave political activism out of F1. Does Hamilton say anything about the racial minority being persecuted in China but races in China , races in Russia but no protests about Putin. Any driver can raise an issue they feel strongly about , and there area lot of issues in the world to raise awareness about but do it in a private capacity do not use F1 to do it. We just want to see F1 racing not political activism. It is turning me of F1 . F1 needs to pull Hamilton into line and tell him he can't do these things . If he persists then ban him . Lets just race.

  11. maxxi

    Pour comprendre il ne faut pas raisonner en F1 mais revoir les images et les commentaires lorsque Hamilton gagnait les courses de Karting lorsqu'il était gamin et ado !


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