Mar.28 - Formula 1 is moving to ensure compliance with the technical rules this year by promising to randomly seize one full car at every race weekend for "disassembly" and "deeper checks".

The stewards in Bahrain announced that if irregularities are then found, the FIA may then 'impound' and 'seal' any components and information for a further investigation and report.

"The stewards emphasise that while this is a new procedure in this championship, it is routinely carried out in other FIA world championships and competitions," the stewards declared in the bulletin published on Saturday.

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4 F1 Fan comments on “FIA to 'disassemble' F1 cars for rules checks

  1. Oldtwit

    Has Ferrari been moaning again ? they got off with cheating ( by the FIA not telling us what they had been doing it's all we can assume ) so lets make sure nobody else can get away with it as long as they did??
    This is the trouble with so much tech in the cars these days, very few people know just how what works , as has been shown by the amount of money MB has had to pay for the road cars fiddling....
    Lets be honest they all will try to just go that bit more, it's business after all...

  2. MichaelM

    Ferrari was not cheating, FIA colluding with MB needed to stop Ferrari at any cost because Ferrari made a break through with their engine that put day light in power with Mercedes. Ferrari is not bound to publicise new developments that attract valuable IP. MB-FIA is doing it again. Last Sunday they blatantly stole the race from RB. Baby Lewis had excedded the track limits dozens of times and nothing happen; Verstappen went wide forced by baby Lewis and they used to steal his race. They might as well declare Mercedes the season's winner. Fucking unfair!

  3. shroppyfly

    Without knowing the full deal on this , its impossible to say but if its randon , then Randomly the same car/team COULD BE CHECKED , LETS SAY 6 TIMES IN A SEason?, , typical journalism , feed the public enough to rile them up without full facts


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