Jun.13 - Even before Max Verstappen wins a third world championship, Dr Helmut Marko says the Dutchman is even better than Red Bull's "best of the best" driver Sebastian Vettel.

Quadruple world champion Vettel won every drivers' title between 2010 and 2013, but the team's top Austrian official Marko, 80, says Verstappen is even better.

"We thought that Sebastian was the best of the best - but then Max came along," he told Sport1.

"Vettel was an extremely meticulous worker with an enormous basic speed," Marko explained. "But even in this respect, Max is just one step further ahead."

He said the most remarkable thing about Dutchman Verstappen, 25, is that he doesn't need any time at all to get up to speed.

"He can go full throttle immediately," said Marko. "That's the unbelievable natural talent and the resulting incredible basic speed.

"He has fantastic vehicle control, especially at the limit."

Red Bull team boss Christian Horner, however, is slightly more diplomatic when comparing 35-year-old Vettel - who retired at the end of last season - with Verstappen.

"They are two very different, phenomenally successful drivers," he said.

"I think Sebastian, with what he has achieved in his career, is one of the really great and most successful drivers in this sport.

"He worked very, very hard," Horner added, referring again to the German. "Sebastian's ability to deal with pressure was fantastic. He has a lot of talent and at the same time he understood that he has to work hard to be the best.

"He wanted to understand every detail of the car and analysed the opponents and their weaknesses."

And he thinks Verstappen's achievements are sometimes currently underrated, perhaps because his career is still underway but also because of his personality.

"I think sometimes his achievements aren't recognised in the way they should be," said Horner. "It's an absolutely outstanding performance by a driver who is at the peak of his ability."

Vettel's former race engineer at Red Bull, Guillaume Rocquelin, told Eurosport that he thinks Vettel was a more complete driver than Verstappen when they respectively arrived at the team.

But he says Verstappen is still getting better.

"Compared to the other top drivers, he can still improve technically. There is still a lot of room for improvement," said 'Rocky', who is now head of Red Bull's driver program.

"I think he'll only get stronger as he gains technical know-how," Rocquelin added.

He said the most striking change in Verstappen was between 2021 - his first title triumph - and 2022.

"That slightly desperate thirst for success has gone," he said. "Max has matured a lot and is now driving more consistently at the highest level.

"Winning the first title in 2021 gave him enormous additional confidence. He drives differently than a year ago, that's clear."

And already, as the news cycles slow between grands prix, one of the most regular topics now is a debate about whether Verstappen can already be ranked alongside the true greats in motorsport history.

"Max has achieved so much in such a short time," said Horner. "At just 25, it's pretty scary to think about what's ahead of him."

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20 F1 Fan comments on “From rising star to F1 legend: Is Verstappen the next great?

  1. smokey

    IMO Max has the potential to be one of the true greats of motor racing. However, at some point in his career he needs to diversify into other branches of motor sport, e.g. WEC and Indianapolis 500 to give himself a chance of the Triple Crown. He has the ability and time is on his side to achieve the tag of one of motor racing's true greats. I think he would be phenomenal in the DTM!

    • shroppyfly

      ive got to be honest i dont get this triple crown stuff, the 500, is one track, as is Monaco, and the 24hrs well ok i get that one 24hrs racing, but the other two, what happened was a driver thought oh ill race , and ill race there and before you know it , oh hes won all 3, er So? Ive no problem with drivers who did it , or want it, I just dont get the significance or relevance

      • smokey

        I agree with you to a point Shroppy. I get that Indianapolis is a high speed oval track, so different set of skills required. Then 24 Hrs of Le Mans is an ultra endurance race, so different skills required there. However, I really don't get why Monaco is part of the Triple Crown. IMO a requirement should be winning a WDC. As you know, Graham Hill is the only driver to achieve the Triple Crown, and he also won WDC on two occasions.

  2. f1award

    Needs to go up against a quality team mate. One that's either been a WDC or has the potential to Perez, Gasly, Albon, Sainz, Ricardo just aren't WDC material.

  3. Tommy

    Max is probably going to go down as the GOAT in F1 history. As far as pure talent goes there's only one other driver that's been on the same level and that would be Juan Manuel Fangio. Before you Hammy fans start crying, Fernando Alonso was right when he said Hammy can only drive when he starts up front. What's Hammy done with those 8 tenths of a sec the announcers always used to claim he always kept in his pocket when he had the dominate car for 10 years. Back then it was always what a great driver Hammy is, Hammy this, Hammy that, ya they mentioned the car was good occasionally but credit was always given to Hammy for their dominate performance. Now when it comes to giving Max his credit its all about what a great Car he's in and something should be done. What a bunch of crap. You put any other driver in that Mercedes back then and they are all 7 or 8 time Champs.

  4. Les

    Max is already one of the greats.
    Agree with you Tommy, mostly UK commentators boomed up HAM when he was winning, now when Max is winning its all put down to the car.
    Max is the best driver out there in the best car.

  5. CanadianEh

    It's been said before, and it'll be said again - Crusty and Has-been are absolutely the most biased announcers I have ever had to endure in calling an F1 race. Season after season, they gushed over the un-matched talents of The Dame. Brick by brick, they built the column upon which they placed The Hamster, then obligingly hooked a cape on to his shoulder's.

    Even now - Max and Fernando pale to insignificance under the constant drum-beat of how wonderful a driver Dame Lucille is by that twat Crusty and his second-rate side-kick Martin Blunder. It's sickening.

    I long for the concise and witty reparte' of David Coultard.


  6. shroppyfly

    Well soon be looking at the 24 season , time goes by, the Dame last WDC was 20, Lewis who?

    Lewis, Heh Nico old friend,

    Nico, Oh hi Lewis

    Lewis, Yeah what a great phone call this is , better than last year

    Nico, Whatta you want Lewis (already sounding bored)

    Lewis, Yeah I heard about those guys at Sky Italy getting the sack

    Nico, Yeah and ?

    Lewis, Yeah how yall doing, oh yeah anyway, Can you Introduce to the top guys there.

    Nico, Are you finally retiring, or wont Kalle sign you up ( chuckle chuckle)

    Lewis, Yeah man , sorta manipulated you know, just be sure to tell them I am such a star you , the best guy and all that (sounding increasingly desperate) Oh don't forget to tell them i wont be speaking Italian,-Im Lewis Hamilton.

    Nico, Oh yes No Problem , you leave it to your old friend Nico

    Lewis, Heh man gotta go ,

    Nico, You going to the factory?

    Lewis, Hell no Im doing a cat walk , then some surfing , and gotta take the Dog to the psychiatrist.


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