Grosjean: F1 camera glasses 'painful'

Jun.12 - Romain Grosjean said a promising new camera innovation in formula one was "painful" to wear.
In Montreal, the Haas star wore glasses that give a driver's eye view of the action.
"It was very painful," Grosjean said. "They don't fit very well in the helmet and you can really only use them for an installation lap.
"But I love the idea and that's why I said yes.
"When you see the images, you actually see the speed of the car, the work on the steering wheel, the vibrations, so people can really experience what we do.
"Modern cameras are so good and stable that you do not even feel that there are vibrations on the track," the Frenchman added.
However, given the discomfort, Grosjean said he doubts glasses will become a full-time camera view in F1.
"We will look at other solutions -- perhaps mounted in the padding or on the helmet," he said.
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