Hamilton not removing his jewellery for new safety rules?

May 9 - While Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc battle for the world championship, Lewis Hamilton has found himself at war with the FIA.
Earlier at Miami, the seven time world champion wore as much jewellery as was physically possible in the official FIA press conference in protest of the sport's renewed cockpit ban.
Sebastian Vettel also cheekily protested the fireproof underwear clampdown by wearing underwear on the outside of his Aston Martin overalls, while even Kevin Magnussen admitted he has concerns.
"I feel weird without my wedding ring in the car," said the Danish driver.
But it was Hamilton, 37, who stepped up the row by threatening to boycott Sunday's Miami GP, ultimately earning him a two-race reprieve for certain piercings.
The Mercedes driver, however, says he will never be taking out his nose ring.
"I got an exemption for here, I'll get an exemption for the rest of the year," he revealed. "Wedding rings are also allowed.
"There is no doubt that I will continue to discuss this topic," Hamilton insisted. "Next time I'll wear four watches."
As for his uncompetitive Mercedes car, a brief moment of promise for the otherwise hopelessly 'porpoising' W13 ultimately led to sixth at the line for Hamilton - one place behind his faster-in-2022 teammate George Russell.
"There's something we're overlooking to make the car more consistent," Russell said on Sunday.
"It's definitely a fast car. We just can't get it to work. I don't know when that will happen. We're working as hard as we can on it."
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Hamilton is becoming Toxic to F1
Yes he is, even his team are becoming cheesed off with his moaning and why didn't he change his tyres under the safety car, you would have thought that lesson with Max last yearalso when he chose not to change his tyres under the safety car would have been learnt. As JB said sir Lulu was unlucky but he had a choice albeit the wrong one his fault and he cannot afford to make mistakes like that, timw to wake up sir Lulu. Good race though but needed the safety car to living it up.
He is just a child and a girl. Honestly would Senna or Michael Schumacher have these idiotic ideas? It’s all about self promotion just like his political views. He can’t race worth a damn and he whines about team strategy on the radio. No class just a jerk. Formula 1 would be better without this crybaby. Get a life.
So you're telling someone who's mega rich and successful to quote, "Get a life"? Lol such ignorance. You're the one whining about someone who is above your league and neither knows nor cares you exist. All this noise over piercings?! You might want to tell the person in your mirror to "get a life" my dear.
When women behave like this it's just sad. But then not all women are ladies. Smh
LH is becoming a caricature of his former self. Yes, everyone knows he is a 7 times world champion. Does the phrase, yeah but what have you done lately, come to mind? He spends more time, whining, complaining, dressing like a clown and donning his jewelry and making excuses. Meanwhile, George puts his head down and goes faster. Maybe it’s time to retire Sir Lulu before you completely embarrass yourself and Mercedes.
Hell soon know his times up when Toto starts whistling Johnny come lately, there's a new King in town .
Bet, Toto wished he had his 40,000,000 back.
Why not…he’s is mega rich, so what? MB is not getting their $$$$ worth. If I were Toto, I’d tell him to go pound sand, preferably in Saudi. Money doesn’t excuse his narcissistic behavior.
Translation: "My life is so unfulfilling I need a target to vent my.....ahem(clears throat) frustration!!!" 😂😈
We all have the right to voice our opinions
Enough with the sexist bullshit you dickhead
All women are ladies but all men are not gentlemen obviously following your rant
Button it
I am sure Teresa is not your dear or would not want to be ever.
Are your knuckles sore dragging them on the ground?
I’d agree with you but given your just a girl your comments don’t matter.
A sexist would say :). But thanks for agreeing with me.
He said he wants to change f1, make it more inclusive, well hes succeeding, now according to a pole 84% of those poled think hes an arse, so id call that mission accomplished Sir Lewis,
It appears his jewelry is more important than improving his driving.
Arrogant arse showed up pre-race driver meeting with multiple watches and extra jewelry (at least his underwear was inside his clothing) abd got a 2 race exemption becuase it so difficult to pull a stud out of his nose. Bet he'd love tohave it gone if he was in a fire and burned a hole in his nose.
Shoppy offered to remove it... ;-)
Oh I'd like to see "Shoppy" as you call him, attempt his idea. When Sir Lewis grabs him by the neck and make him beg for mercy as a result is when the real fun would begin Lol.
Putting that gym work to good use. 😈
I did yes , and the offer still stands, but somehow I think he'd chicken out and say i was singling him out , not at , ill remove Angela's piercing as well just to prove it
Hamsters quite clever, when something doesn't go his way he says , oh your singling me out , whatever the subject is, knowing full well subconsciously Some people will take that because hes black.., very sly at doing that, always play the racist card if all else fails, trouble is , the f1 circus has gotton wise to it as have an ever increasing number of f1 fans Imo
Yeah but all he has to do is, take it all off, put in a jewellery bag, let Angela have it to keep warm and put it all back after the race not that difficult is it. Having said that did anyone see Angela at the weekend.
I believe she was , btw i listened live to the race instead on c4 highlights as they were on at ridiculous o clock , radio was rubbish wont be doing that again
He had a different helper pre race.
Nice! Angela’s probably suffering “burn out”.
Not sure. A girl with black hair darted in and brought himhis stuff as he climbed into a Merc SL for the pre-race parade lap. All on SKY...
The problem with that, the race would be over by the time he removed all his rings, watches, necklaces ankle bracelets, toe rings, nose piercings, etc. etc.Then we’d have to listen to more whining, complaining. Not only that, poor Angela has enough to do just getting him into the car and situated. Endless needs! Thank God he is only a knight, anything more he’d never have time to race.
I've got it, I know what's wrong with sir Lulu, taking off his jewellery is like superman's reaction to kryptonite, have you noticed how weak he gets sometimes he's so weak he can just manage to get out of the car and then Angela has to hold him him up. The more jewellery he takes off the weaker he will get and that's why he's dropping back and GR is passing him so easily, took a while to sort it out but if you want sir Lulu back he has to wear his Jewellery.
Glad to see the knight with no clothes has a few remaining fans. Gives us someone to deride and humiliate. :)
BTW, the jewelry restriction has been an FIA reg forever, even wedding rings. Ever been burned or had medical imaging with metal in/on your body? That's the point. So, Lewie gets a pass. How is that 'inclusive'. Sir Lewis? The first comment from John F way up at the top of this string says it all. Bad form, Sir Lewis, bad form.
So what your saying is , at the next race every driver should turn up with nose pierced.. that might be very funny lol
Btw, his jewelry is ugly. Only good for street fighting, maybe. That wouldn’t happen because he’d mess his do up, and then Angela would have to fix it.
its time for mercedes to plug on shamilton.they pay his wages.tell him shape up or ship out.all this commotion is making mb a laughing stock.at least grussell is trying his best.well done to georgey for finishing in front of shamilton again.well done kiddo
Did anyone see the pre-race track walk with Martin Brundle. All of Lewis' guests ignored Martin like he was a POS.
The Williams tennis sisters have done this on 2 other occassionas. Total beaatches.
Brundles pushy yes , but extremely knowledgeable and obviously liked by drivers and f1 bosses, he can be very funny, , i didn't see the whole grid walk but , watched many many others , particularly love when he regularly pushed in front of Tanya i think from rtl or sky, always polite, anyone who just believes hes a knob should check out his journalistic cv on wiki
He got into a bit of a spat with celebs recently, and i thought the rules had changed re celebs on the grid? certainly was plenty of press about it at the time .
Best ever, Kimi, where were you , you missed Pele, mwhaaahh, I was taking a Shit...!, Brundle quick as a flash replies , right that should make you car quicker...
He walked up to some tall guy and yelled "Patrick" (Mahomes). The guy turned and told him what he thought about the race, and then Martin said, "You're not who I thought you were. What is you name sir?"
Doubt he pushed in front of SKY reporter, as he IS Sky...
Fun to see Zak, Mario and Emerson together. Zak told Mario he could drive the McLaren at COTA! Mario was excited.
Grrr, I am old, it was when the BBC still the live broadcasting rights for UK , it was Tanya Bauer, a very attractive Sky Germany pit reporter 2011 ish at least
Brundle was BBC, then ITV,then SKY, hes been at it a long time
“When they told me about the jewellery, they said safety is everything. And I said ‘well, what’s happened for the last 16 years? I’ve had jewellery on for 16 years, so was safety not an issue back then?’”
Yes Lewis, a very sensible argument NOT, hes acting like a 12yr girl whose been told to remove her make up at school, hes a 40yr bloke.. almost, just because a rule or law has not been enforced, by whoever,whichever,whenever, does not mean it can be/should be ignored .Following this childish argument and its outcome will be interesting.
Suppose he said the same about the Halo?
Arrogant Arse. He interviews well though, just an arse at times.
Think Angela didn't come to the US.
Well funny you should say that, here's what he said about the Halo in 2016
As the FIA began trialling the device which was designed to improve driver head protection, Hamilton was dead against it, from both a design perspective and a risk perspective.
"If it is going to come in I hope we have an option to use it or not because I will not be using it on my car," Hamilton told reporters ahead of the 2016 F1 season."I hope that's not what they're bringing, I really do. Ultimately it's the driver's protection so we should have a choice individually. I like it the way it is now and when I get in the car I know there is a certain risk."
"Safety is a very, very important issue for sure, but there are risks that we take and you have to decide how much of a risk you are going to take. For me I would rather drive without it and risk it."
"I paid very close attention to the great briefing we were given on it," Hamilton said at the 2016 Hungarian GP.
"I take safety very seriously and I think the interesting thing, while it doesn't look great and doesn't look in the racing spirit, you can't ignore the fact that the chances are 17 percent better of saving a driver's life in the incidents that have happened in the past.
Remember last yr when Max thought he could park on Lewis, funny how things change..!!
"I feel very, very fortunate today," said Hamilton after the 2021 Italian GP. "Thank God for the halo which saved me, and saved my neck.
"I don't think I have ever been hit on the head by a car before. And it is quite a big shock for me
So Safety , Safety ,Safety, Take that nose thing out , Torger can get you a replacement anniversary present,as I've said before that's the thing about BullShitting , sooner or later it catches you out.
Now LOL all that being said, and in defense of another loyal British subject...?!?!?!? ummm yeah anyway, Sir Talkaloadofcrapsometims, he wasn't the only driver to say the Halo was not a good thing back then
Well, well, well. Dame Lucy is digging in his heels on the jewelry thang.
Well, there is one way around all this, and that is to have all his bling implanted subcutaneously. We'd still be able to see all the bumps and rings and rosettes and stuff. Kind of weird to do that, but loads of uber-left-wing SJW, angst-ridden, inward gazing moon-turtles do that kind of thang.
Come on, Dame Lucy, take it to the next level. I dare 'ya. I double-dare 'ya motherf____r.
Any piercing is stupid. Any tattoo is stupid. No matter if a world champion wears them. No matter how rich. These attributes are typical for prisoners and uneducated people. There are exceptions of course, but generally that is how the things are.
Tattoos have been described as the ultimate “look at me” art form. Describes Lulu to a tee. He embellishes his tattoos with body piercings. Wears massive amounts of tasteless jewelry. For being a 7 time WDC, he still needs more attention drawn to himself. A little insecure , maybe? Needing a small blonde female to make himself feel important, maybe? Yeah, Lew is definitely right, his mental state has taken a toll.
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