Aug.9 - Lewis Hamilton admits he lied about his piercings as Formula 1's clampdown on the wearing of jewellery by drivers came into force this year.

The seven time world champion admits he rebelled against the FIA over the issue, even though new president Mohammed Ben Sulayem said he was only acting in the interests of safety.

"People love to have power," Hamilton told Vanity Fair and to enforce power.

Hamilton admits lying amid jewellery saga

Lewis Hamilton before the start of the 2022 Austrian GP

"Since I was a kid ... rules," the Mercedes driver added. "I've never loved being told what to do."

Hamilton, 37, even suspects that the FIA president's campaign against jewellery being worn in the cockpits was directed specifically at him.

"I mean, yeah," he said. "Because I'm the only one that has jewellery on, really."

The British driver protested by vowing to defy the jewellery clampdown, and argued that he had piercings in some areas that could not simply be removed.

Hamilton admits he wasn't being honest.

"I was just f***ing with it," he said. "I don't have any other piercings anywhere. But I love that there's this thinking 'Shit, has he got his balls pierced?'"

He also spoke on the highly contentious topic of the 2021 championship finale in Abu Dhabi, which led to race director Michael Masi's removal as race director.

"You see things start to unfold," said Hamilton, "and my worst fears came alive. I was like 'There's no way they're going to cheat me out of this'. There's no way. That won't happen. Surely not.

"I knew what had happened. I knew what decisions had been made and why. Yes, I knew that something wasn't right."

He said he contemplated quitting F1 after Max Verstappen was crowned world champion, but ultimately concluded that he wants to race on even beyond his 2023 contract.

"I'll be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about extending," Hamilton revealed.

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84 F1 Fan comments on “Hamilton now admits lying about his piercings earlier this year

    • Nobodysperfect

      I'm not a Hamilton fan. But I can appreciate his standpoint. When you step into a F1 car you know it could be your last drive. So who cares what kind of jewellery you wear.

      Anyone who is used to thinking for themselves does not want to be told what to do. Especially about personal things. You should get some freedom, right? If your a celebrity like him, you almost have no freedom left.

      Be more like a rebel Hamilton! And now get those V10's back!

    • Jax

      It is being smart because he certainly knows how to push the buttons on you Louses. Lol.
      If y'all had a satisfying life you'd ignore him.
      Misery is a bitch huh pedantic one?! 😄

    • Donalf

      He has now admitted taking the p**s out of the FIA saying that he was winding them up over having jewellery on his body that you couldn't see,, now who else would get away with that,, just saying.

      • shroppyfly

        you counted them? An amazing feat for a dullard such as yourself, have no fear the nurses will bring around the meds trolley soon, and then its afternoon snooze time in the residential home f4a

  1. Merrick

    Funny how piercings as a safety issue is blatantly exploited but porpoising which is a design error carries so much weight

  2. CanadianEh

    What Dame Lucy dosn't get, is that the bling rules were an invitation to show some humility and demonstrate she's on-board with the 'discipline' required to show she's "part-of".

    Instead she mocks the authority, brags about bling being places where rational people don't care then segues into a whine about losing the WDC to MadMax. Seriously.

    The hubris of this guy is jaw-dropping. Self-will run riot. It won't end well.

    • Donalf

      This guy "sir Lulu" seems to think he can call all the shots because he's been lucky enough to win 7 wdc, like he's on a pedestal demanding this and demanding that,, mercedes need to tuck him back into place he's just the driver.

      • Blo

        That’s one hell of a lot of luck and it was 8wdc really though was’nt it? The last one against the toughest competition there had probably ever been. Even Horner had admitted defeat until Massi stepped in with probably the biggest cheat in Grand Prix history (just).

      • Susan

        I agree but be prepared for some serious criticisms from his devoted legions. They take even the slightest criticism has an personal a front to the “great one”

    • Blo

      So that’s a no from you to personal freedom and a no from you to fair play.
      Even when the fia admit their man emphatically broke the rules they do nothing to put things right thereby making a mockery of the 2021wdc and destroying their own credibility .

      • CanadianEh

        As I mentioned, it appears the FIA simply wanted Lucille to shrink his overly large head. For The Dame to admit to being dishonest simply confirms the moral and ethical depravity which defines his career and persona.

        As far as "fair play" goes, it would be helpful if you quoted the actual regulations / rules that the Race Director broke. And please be definitive, as I would appreciate a clear understanding.

        • shroppyfly

          Rors the man with a copy of the regs, he reads them every night in his race director gear, but my take is , he didn't actually break any rule, just interpreted them in his way , which HE as the race director is allowed to do , now people such as Toto and his lad might not like that but heh, get over it or Sulk as the dame choose to do, yes he was sacrificed, but the two replacements aren't much better, I will happily bring this up anytime the girl from Merc opens his gob, just to piss off the Hamgirl fans

        • The Hon Blofly QC&Bar

          One of the basic principles applied in law to any dispute is to ask ‘ what was the intention of the rule when it was written.’sometimes in order to arrive at the intention behind the rule you have to play devils advocate, additionally any rule in any sport should be fair and interpreted fairly. If not the results become meaningless to all competitors even the winner.
          Sadly honourable action and fair play are becoming a thing of the past in most sports often at the hands of officialdom.
          Think how great an example would have been set if MV had pulled LH on to the winners rostrum and shared the win. MV would have been on a pedastel with the great Fangio rather than the young pretender.

          • shroppyfly

            Afew slight flaws in your legal Beagle brain, ((additionally any rule in any sport should be fair and interpreted fairly.)) by whom?, the problem with that , is both parties believe they are right, and by that i mean the teams, also although I cant be sure, but id bet the wifes wedding ring on it that Max doesnt think the result is meaningless, and yes it would be nice for everyone to be honourable but Merc lost that chance when striding into see the officials Lawyer in tow, that alone blew it for most people i love devils advocate but the only advocates that matter are the ones in courtrooms, and finally as to your name, interesting, was it a deliberate error to miss out the word "right" in the title or a schoolgirl mistake?

          • Canadian Barrister and Solicitor Eh

            Nicely done, Yer Honour. "What was the intent of the rule when it was written." But I'm still in the dark as to which rule was interpreted in a manner found displeasing by The Dame & Co. Another conceptual approach to is to consider whether reasonably minded people would reach the same conclusion in similar circumstances. In other words, would a group of Peers find the ruling acceptable and within the intention of how and when the rule was issued.

          • Back to common old Blo

            Which rule? No idea, only MM or the FIA could enlighten us. Had Mb sought a ruling in a court of law more would have been revealed and an independent ruling obtained.
            At this point in time Max may not think the result meaningless but with the passing of time and greater maturity who knows?
            Re Right or just hon, how could a humble blowfly hope to aspire to so heady a title. I had hoped you would have questioned the bar with your expert background , lounge and mines a g&t.
            Ps No comments about QC please.

  3. ReallyOldRacer

    I've got nothing to add. It's all been said on both sides. I do have an observation. Looking at the thumb widgets it appears that the HAMfans have come out of hiding now that he is smiling and has stopped his whining. Fickle bunch, aren't you?

  4. Susan

    To be honest, I don’t care if he wears a bull ring through his nose. Just wish he would drive the car and be quiet. He is tedious and boring and his arrogance is mind numbing.

    • Blo

      Correction Susan. He is tedious and boring and arrogant in your opinion, fine, don’t listen to him it’s not compulsory. Why would you want to deny his millions of fans access to his thoughts just because you don’t like him? Maybe it’s you who is tedious boring and arrogant but that’s ok we’re an easy going bunch feel free to carry on tediously boring us with your arrogance.

  5. Jax

    For all who complain about Sir Lewis's perceived arrogance, keep in mind he earned it! He owes none of you supreme humility. Besides the fact he doesnt acknowledge your direct criticisms, in the grand scheme of things, it's irrelevant to his success. But y'all can see my ridicule tho. 😈
    Do yourselves some favors in getting a life and stop obsessing over successful people who aren't harming anybody. Food for thought.....for those with the capacity to think properly!

    • CanadianEh

      Jax, Jax, Jax!! Calm down. The seven concussions haven't worn well with you. Read the following from then Mayo Clinic, and let me know who it reminds you of. Hint: do the letters LH mean anything to you?

      Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

      Yup, that's The Dame, alright! What were you saying about getting a life and not obsessing about stuff. Makes me go: "Hmmm". P.S. narcissists harm EVERYONE in their orbit.

      • Jax

        I'm pretty sure I don't complain and bitch on this forum, so some projecting on your part there Lumberjack without a nutsack. 😂
        I threw my stone in the hog pen without calling any names, so the struck hog squealed. Lol

        P.s. Well technically, yes, he did harm Alonso....psychologically. 😄

        • CanadianEh

          Jax, are you serious? Your statement: "I'm pretty sure I don't complain and bitch on this forum" is blindly irrational - and as a reward, I slap you in the face with my enormous leathery scrotum!! Smek, smek!!

      • Blo

        Classic Mayonnaise, could be applied to almost the entire worlds population, you and me included. In my opinion of course.
        Sorry Jax couldn’t resist replying to that stroppy Canadian Susan, now they’ll start jumping to conclusions again.

    • Susan

      Self-confidence is a strong character trait, being self-assured as well. Being arrogant shows a lack of self doubt. If you’re superior at anything, it comes through without strutting your peacock feathers. Show leadership qualities not “look at me”, how great I am.

    • Blo

      No one who gets paid large amounts of money for doing exactly what they want or gives away large amounts of money they don’t need should get a knighthood.
      It’s the people who selflessly force themselves to hang on Hammys every word and action when no one else gives a shit, at god knows what-toll to their mental health that should get the OBE’s.
      God bless them.

    • Susan

      The OBE is passed out to entertainers, athletes like candy. Sort of takes away the importance of the medal. But hey, if it makes everybody happy why not!

  6. Donalf

    Latest,, sir Lulu's fine for entering parc_ferme in order to spy on the oppositions cars was a measly £8_grand while MVs fine for apparently touching sir Lulu's rear wing in parc_ ferme was a massive £45,000 what does that say.. Lol.

    • Jax

      Leclerc and Lucky Champ also got charged the same amount for the same Infringement.
      Touching a sensitive area on a rival's machine is not the same as having your assistant assist you.
      So your false equivalence says you're a moron...A.L.F. Lol

  7. shroppyfly

    Earned it , ah bless the forever picked on and bullied Lewis, tough times growing up in Stevenage being bullied and learning a martial art and blah, blah, right so Stevenage isn't the Bronx, or moss side Manc, , he was a clever student-fact, had opportunities given to him even pre ron contract days other kids could only dream about-fact, mum leaves dad-dad leaves mum -so what, like thousands of others, is it only black kids that get bullied ..?

    We've just had the Commonwealth games in Brumm, you want underprivileged areas, and places where kids are not being given opportunities-then its Brumm, not leafy Stevenage, mmmmm Commonwealth games-prev known as the Empire games, celebrating Britain's Empire, , diversity/inclusion/ mmmm the % of nonwhite British athletes taking part, lets put it this way its a for other sports, The premier league, if anyone takes the time to check again the % of non white players running at about 40%, now ill agree, in fishing and playing chess, virtually no black participants, thats where Lewis should be campaigning imo .

    The only Fake news, around these days is the crap that Lewis spins the media, am i being harsh , no not really as a Brit , Im imo well qualified to comment about poor old Hard done to Lewis, Don't pick on me cause Im black shite...
    Black stars in a white dominated sport-was Tiger bullied, from a poor family. im sure ill be told he was, oh and his constant rants for more diversity/inclusion..!!

    Meanwhile his formula extreme team is being hammered for a 2yr running,so not all bad news

  8. Donalf

    So we now know that sir Lulu's a self confessed liar"i wonder if he did have a bad back ",, a power lover & seeker & doesn't like being told what to do & I'm a moron.

  9. Pollyanna

    After reading some of these comments I seriously wonder if the contributors have a genuine sporting interest in F1 or merely use the space to air their personal frustrations and questionable viewpoints about the drivers who deserve more respect for their driving skills .It would be good to to keep remarks free from personal and childish comments and concentrate on a more adult approach to their contributions.

    • Donalf

      Yes I agree with you entirely "drivers should stick to driving" if they were to do this then I'm sure all the comments would be nicely linked to racing,, unfortunately they don't just stick to driving do they. What they get up to when not racing shouldn't be shared with F1 or the fans they should do it in their own time.

    • John B


      What has your rant to do with f1

      Dictators throughout the centuries stifled opinions and free thinking just as you are suggesting now

      If don't like the postings then stay away and keep your business to yourself

  10. Donalf

    John B, your post, this last one sounds a bit harsh is exactly what the Lady, Pollyanna is talking about + the men's normal banter is sometimes not acceptable but it does help to keep us old "fellas" alive and kicking.

  11. shroppyfly

    I disagree with everyone here , we should feel blessed, humbled , grateful, lucky even, that that an f1 driver is so brilliant he can share his talents in music, fashion, blm,acting,vegetarianism, vat evasion,sulking with twitter , and hes the goat, almost forgot to add that.
    There was a time when all an F1 driver was known for, was his on the track talent and his on the arm lady talent . Those boring drivers of the past like Mansell, Schumacher, Kimi, Mika, all they did was drive cars , how borings that, but something's missing in Sir Lewis's life and therefore in our lives...., he has no time for casual relationships (being snapped on a boat or beach with a beauty) a gf... no time for one, a wife no time for one,he tried having a gf many years ago, but alas that didn't work out.. interesting to look up which f1 drivers of today have a gf or wife, or Boyfriend/Husband, I for one am glad he devotes his time to telling less fortunate/knowledgable soles how we should live our lives and that arthritis is no reason not to kneel at every opportunity, he has inspired me to have a prince albert fitted and to tell my boss IE my wife, sod off i'm not removing it .

    And if anyone says Im wrong I shall put on a Skirt and Blouse, march up to gates of the Hungarian parliament building, prance around a bit , say oh i've got back ache, and tell them (#being queer show no fear), before jumping into my pink Mercedes and off to a more gay friendly country like Germany.

    The only downside of being a Hamilton fan for me personally ,is telling my beautiful blonde wife that she has to carry all my stuff when we go out and scurry along ten paces behind me, a neighbour said recently oh your Muslim are you, that's what they do isn't it, i just did a #respect and ignored him.

    • ReallyOldRacer

      "I disagree with everyone here"

      One error in your two part rant. I am sure that your gumba, Jaxwad The Clueless, agrees with you. :)

      • shroppyfly

        The only sewage is SLH thinking shes an actress Ror, was it a rant Ror?, I mean I can post shorter ones or Ones that I have to backtrack about, i just prefer the truth 1st time out, its easier for the simpletons that way

    • Concerned Blo

      URGENT WARNING Stupifly
      Do not take your usual 10 Viagra washed down with a pint of gin to soon after having your PA fitted.
      If it’s not been fitted yet the MB pit crew can do it in approx 3seconds but say very occasionally it can take much longer.
      Ps check your wife’s dentures are secure.🥴

      • shroppyfly

        My Prince Albert will be fitted by the Rb crew, thus eliminating any chance of said Prince Albert wearer (myself) being blamed for not stopping at the pit markings and the fitting taking too long, Im not Mercedes fgs

        Fyi, the Merc crew do not fit Prince Alberts, they only deal with Princess Albertas, similar thing but you must be black and an arse to get one .

        • Mr fix it Blofly

          Had a word with the MB boys and they said that as most of your humour is black and you more than meet the other requirement they discussed it with RB and they will do yours if RB will do JV as they have the extra large size for really big pricks.
          Surprisingly they said they can’t wait,Max said nor can he.
          Your humble etc.

        • Mr Fix It Blofly.

          Strop, iv’e had a word with the MB boys and they say that as your humour is black and you more than meet the other requirement they can make an exception.
          They have spoken to their pals at RB who are more than happy to do Joss instead as they can cope with much bigger pricks. The’re thinking piston ring. Max says he can’t wait either.

        • Blo

          Strop I have been unable to bring this great news to you sooner due to censorship. I have spoken to the boys at MB and they they have agreed to make an exception as you humour is considered opposite of white enough to qualify and you are over qualified in the other requirement. They have spoken to their opposite numbers at RB and they are happy to fit JV instead as they are used to dealing with big p rhymes with the opposite of tok. They think a used piston ring would just about be big enough.His opposite of daughter thinks it’s a great idea and can he help.
          Yours hopefully third time lucky

  12. shroppyfly

    Part 2
    As its Sunday, i've got the Mrs cleaning my stuff, while making me a veggie burger, while i ponder over my failed acting career, after letting Tom down not being able to fit into my schedule a role in him new film #manipulated man, I may sulk for a bit...not sure yet, Ill ask Toto my manager what I should do, perhaps ill not give evidence in support of a former friend to a court about an incident, that's a good idea yes #didntseeanythingeventhoughiwastheresutil, ah the things you do ( sorry don't do), I was going to but he started bullying me, staysafe get a nose stud kids and remember lyings ok, if your like me.
    Oops gotta go now Totos here, throw another plant sausage on the barbie (no i don't mean Suzie W ), damn txt from Kimi, " not coming to busy having fun on a boat getting pissed with the Mrs "

    • Inadequate Blofly

      Congrats you qualify as sir Lewis’s world no 1fan, a position I can never hope to aspire to and god knows iv’e tried. You are the master.

      Ps If he sends you his dirty underwear could you spare me a pair.
      PPs My beautiful blond wife does race around after me without being asked and takes over anything I am about to do ( probably for my own safety, or hers).

  13. Jax

    WTF!!😳. A two part diatribe? Loser life on steroids 😆. It's like Fly Louse was constipated and now finally starts shitting a word salad. 😂😂
    Wait till f1award sees this. Lol

      • Humble blo

        Have some respect Jax you’re in the presence of greatness. One only wishes that we could get a different perspective on the great man from his lovely blond wife. Perhaps he could persuade her to contribute.

        • Jax

          Does Fly Bait's septic tank brain with room temperature I.Q and characteristics of a Louse = greatness? 😂
          If so then my apologies Sir Louse esquire' Lol

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