Hamilton says he is still charging for a record 8th F1 title

Sep.27 - Lewis Hamilton says he is still charging for a record eighth drivers' world championship.
Some believe his narrow title loss to Max Verstappen last year, and his subsequent struggle with Mercedes' 2022 car, should be a prelude to retirement for the 37-year-old.
"Lewis is in the twilight of his career," F1 managing director Ross Brawn, who worked with Hamilton at Mercedes, told Sport Bild.
"But that doesn't mean it's over yet. He's putting a lot of effort into getting a winning car again, which for him is a kind of character test.
"It may well be that George Russell is hungrier in the races as a result. But Lewis will be back, I'm sure.
"The same with Mercedes. I believe these periods of weakness that you have to overcome make you even stronger. I know that from my own experience," Brawn added.
Hamilton confirms that although initially disillusioned with Formula 1 due to the circumstances of his 2021 defeat, he is still eyeing that eighth title.
"There is nothing left over between Max and I," the British driver insists. "Max did his duty last year and I have zero problems with him.
"There's quite a few years between us so probably out of the car there wasn't that mutual respect. But there are no hard feelings."
As for the record eighth title, Hamilton says it's "not an obsession, but it's certainly at the centre of my thoughts".
"It is at the top of the pyramid, and the work done at the base this year is about getting to the top again," he added.
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Hopefully, Merc will be on par with RBR & Ferrari next season.
Only if Russell is the lead driver would I agree to that. In other words, if the Dame Hamilton is gone.
"not an obsession, but it's certainly at the centre of my thoughts" -
"It is at the top of the pyramid..."
Sounds like an obsession to me.
It is awkward and embarrassing to witness a fabulous driver mature, become WDC, and hang-on for the last meaningful record when he is clearly beyond his "Best Before" date. I dislike The Dame for the history of antics he's gotten up to, and his obvious narcissism.
What would be ideal is a smoothe transition / retirement without the fuss and bother.
Correct me if i’m wrong but I thaught he was being paid £40 million a year to win wdc and wdc. He has spent the first half of this year assisting Mb in correcting a dog of a car to that end, leaving his young team mate to get on with the racing.
If his performance last year indicates that he is over the hill, then so is MV as their performance was close to identical. Though as we all know including MV, LH was the real winner.
You are letting personal dislike cloud your judgement.
Great champions are always captain of the ship, as was MS even at Ferrari.
Max deserved last year's win, he fought tooth & nail all season against a better car, the best car for seven years but he fought and never gave up, to me that makes him a wdc. Well done MV.
The person who wins the most points without illegal interference deserves to win the wdc.
I would say the same regardless of the driver and I think Max would to if he were not under other people’s control. Would you?
You mean Masi and Max got last years wdc. MV will always have a * next to his 2021 wdc win, * is for human error which is officially recognized by FIA
What you need to know is, MV didn't know how it was going to play out any more than any one else but, he played his cards right. Get over it he won fair & Square, nobody has said it yet but, if it was the other way round mercedes & Sir Lulu would have been dancing on the 🎑.
LH May have been dancing but it would have been just as wrong because Masi got it wrong and gifted the win to the wrong person as the FIA admit.******* and Masi paid the price.
If the fia had with hindsight made the wdc a draw it still would have been wrong but everyone would have accepted it and Masi could have kept his job and no****** for MV.
2021 would have gone down as the greatest year ever instead as the most controversial.
D losers always whinge, any whingers on the forum today?
If 'she' is expecting another one gifted to her, she may as well walk away now. Russell is an actual driver. And Merc may not get back to the top in the near future even for Russell.
Who's 'she'?
The Dame, its Highness Hamilton.
Did I miss something, I thaught it was MV who was gifted last years wdc.
Some people say that. They mostly seem to be Princess Lu lovers.
Id say as Team player like as the King says he is, He wouldn't move over or slow down hes hungry, for a win, hes like Max in that respect, George this is Toto, Lucy is faster than you, we need to swop positions,The King to Toto NOT A HOPE IN HELL....
Ist lesson in F1 , destroy your team mate..........., next yrs car maybe better, but its over, doing a Nico is the sensible thing, even the media are now reporting , maybe he should have done a Nico LAST yr, damn the media copying my ideas again
I see the KKK is back in town
Which town? I've been to their home, Pulaski, Tennessee. They weren't there when I went; so you are saying they were just on vacation but now they're home?
All part of the spectacle, people love to have someone successful to hate. My mother used to love watching boxing on the telly, but she hated MA and constantly hurled abuse at the telly. Couldn’t miss a match though. I’ m sure LH laughs all the way to the bank.
He does have a nice financial situation, or rather Princess Lu does.
Less money better person no-yes, or is money all you care about J
I bet he does so lucky to have had the best car for seven years, so far up the the front that he thought he was on a cruise holiday with the assurance of a wingman fighting the rabble, come on he even admits it himself "come on guys give me a winning car" young Max with far less experience took the title from a seven times WDC at the tender age of 24 "or there about" and I think he deserves some credit for that don't you....,,
Are you Mv’s grandmother obviously on his mother’s side, his father thinks it’s all down to his car.
I see the KKK are in town again.
Well, F6 is at it again ... ANYone that presents an argument or makes a statement even remotely approaching 'his' left-wing cognitive band-width is labeled "KKK".
This type of cancel-culture smear is typical of the cultural marxixt's and fits neatly within the framework of their utterly subjective demographically based judgement system - it's what you are not who you are.
In short, if you aren't a recognizable victim like them, then you are a target.
Losers like F6 are the reason for big government over-reach and social safety nets woven as tight as Egyptian cotton - to the detriment of us all.
Typical reply of a representative of your point of view
An overused excuse of an answer if there ever was an excuse
Typical of the lack of consideration you claim but so boldly express yourself to the detriment of others not of your clan
It's your colonial way and no other way eh
Say thanks to your ancestors for your lessons in other cultures
I'm sure they deserve the highest of praises
When you speak in defense of a culture and system that codified its self importance over others through the guise of piousness and laws of the land it not only reinforces said culture but who you are as a person
Good luck to you sorting yourself out if you’re not confused enough already
Those who speak up against your type of thinking are to be lauded for having the mind set that they do and for telling you the same
Paul a fellow Canuck proud to not be like you
My Canuckda is proud to include the people from all backgrounds and opinions of all not stifling voices and cultures
You have no idea how a society grows and benifits
It grows with all its peoples not without
It knows that being selfish hurts others
Cheers F1 award...you have my plaudits and respect for being a considerate human being unlike the lazy opinions of some
Hell! That sounds like a physiologist report, no not for me I'd rather read "Canadians post"
F6 is always on about KKK so God only knows what goes through his mind. Lol.
Well, Paul, clearly you missed that class, y'know the one that said freedom of speech is fundamental to a democracy. Unless you're an apologist, like you and Trudy.
Having witnessed the conversion of our once-great nation into the Democratic People's Republic of Canada at the hands of flaccid left-leaning pundits such as yourself, it's no wonder you miss the meaning of my original post and hook your wagon to F6's unfounded accusation of "racism".
Once again, you amply demonstrate the lack of self-awareness and the ability to correctly identify context in your un-lettered rant. People of your ilk see yourselves as avenging angels, when really, you view the world through a victim's eyes and feel it's your God-given duty to cancel those who have a different view of the world. Yours is a malevolent pathology.
But, you have the right to express it, and people like me will die to ensure you keep it. You will not.
Dont mention Egypt, or the next thing youll hear will be Lucy , saying , what a great place , what lovely people, i just love coming here etc etc etc
Canadian, I just love reading your posts.
Hold on I thought you like name calling. It works both ways.
Yeah, but your comments call us Racist , are we Racists?
You can't pay bills without money.
That's the best answer to F6, Shropp! There isn't a shred of evidence presented to support the accusation. Nada. Zero. SFA.
Wish you lot would stop ✋ taking shite
This is F1 and not a platform for showing who purports to be the most intelligent
Time ⏲ to shut your gobs
As Ror and I know of old , f6 is like Jax, that reminds me what did happen to him?, you can put forward the facts, you can make them look silly , but it has no effect , best way to prevent f6 getting his way is simply to ignore him, difficult i know, but it does work eventually lol
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