Hamilton says Mercedes team cannot write off W13 yet

Jun.1 - Lewis Hamilton says Mercedes would be wrong to write off the troubled 2022 project and immediately start working from the drawing board on next year's car.
While the car has shown signs of improvement recently, the seven time world champion was once again grappling with extreme handling problems at Monaco.
"I pray that the car is not like it was in Monaco," Hamilton said when asked about the next race at Baku.
"It was the worst moment I have experienced in this car so far, simply because of the bumps. I want them to go away now - my teeth and jaw were vibrating so badly and I finished the race shaking.
"I don't know if it's related to the porpoising, but we didn't have it in the last race," he added.
As time goes on, and Mercedes' title chances look ever more distant, some have suggested Mercedes should simply scrap the current concept and start working on a new car philosophy for 2023.
"I haven't really thought about that," said Hamilton.
"But I think we have to find out what's wrong with this car before we can make another one. If we started to build another car we could easily make a mistake.
"I think it's about fully understanding this one, which is something we haven't achieved yet, so that we have an idea of which path to go down," he added.
However, he admitted to being very sure about "a lot of things I wouldn't want from this car in next year's car".
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So a former Toto adviser will be the new Exec Director of F1. Hehehe. So in essence, Sir Lewis will likely get his way in the jewelry piercing nonsense row. As expected. Ya love to see it. 😌
And queue the bitching by hater brats in 5,4,3,2......😄
"It was the worst moment I have experienced in this car so far, simply because of the bumps. I want them to go away now - my teeth and jaw were vibrating so badly and I finished the race shaking."
Suggestion: don't clench your teeth while driving. Georgie Boy seems to be handling it, or is that why you clench your teeth? You've had a lucky run, Lewie, time to make way for the young guns.
I’d rather see Sir Lewis-a-lot pull a Rosberg. He has become more of a “queen” than a knight and more of a “real” goat than G.O.A.T.
Fellow posters I apologise for Susans Typo,she is under considerable pressure dealing with a disturbed character on this site, when she typed Sir Lewis-a-lot, what she actually meant was Sir Lose-a-lot
What wasn't a typo was Queen, and like any good Queen they know when to abdicate
I pray that the car is not like it was in Monaco says sir Lulu I just can't believe it that he is now hoping God will give him a helping hand or his mechanics to put the car right for Azerbaijan,, we'll he's now realised that he can't do it on his own & not even Angie can help him.
Tbf , he is always saying hes blessed, so maybe God will help him , or is he going to get another humiliating thrashing by GR, Errr I think the latter, if the 1st 7 races are anything to go by .H come on Im sure could give him a hand.. lol
Sorry was laughing too much finger slipped
It appears having Masi canned wasn’t good enough for team Mercedes, now Peter Bayer. It appears that if a team can’t win one way, they try something less conventional. Shame on everyone associated with this decision. Say what you will about Eccelstone, this may have happened during his watch but it was a lot more subtle.
Like I said before, money rules everything in this world, F1 is no exception. Pathetic! Another business deal, not a sporting deal. Sure takes the shine off the sport.
Sing it with me Suzy Envy.
🎶Big girls.....don't cryy...yiy...yiy.
They don't cry.
Big girls.....don't cryy. 🎶
Song #2
🎶It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.....cry if I want to....cry if I want to.
You would cry too if it happened tooo youuu. 🎶 😂😂
Very clever, bet it took you minutes to come up with that ditty! Trust me I’m not crying. I save that for only real events in my life and this is not one of them. This is just shameful behavior by people who should deal with events better. But as they say..such is life! The sun will continue to rise and set.
Thanks, Jax. Profound comment!
If I were Lulu, I would drop to my knees and be very grateful for what I have, especially coming from such a “humble” background. With the obscene amount of money that is thrown at him for driving a car, he should be doing a jig, with or without jewelry. (rapper reference). So many people out there that do far more dangerous jobs, help thousands of people, save lives on a daily basis across this world, who make far less money, and he complains about a bumpy ride. What can I say.
And those people also have more constructive things to do than bitch and complain about a mega successful individual. Food for thought!!
I think you miss the forest for the trees, Jax. You keep mentioning the mega-wealthy, mega-successful individual, Hamilton. That’s nice for you to hero-worship him. Your decision. But when you think about it in the light of day, what has he done to improve anybody's lives, other than to entertain for two hours on a Sunday afternoon. Respect his athletic abilities. There have been many sports heroes in all fields through the decades. Put your hero-worshipping in prospective. Unless he is a relative, don’t take what is said about him personally.
The medical profession on the front-line during the pandemic; the staff at hospices and shut-in retirement homes; researchers finding a vax that worked.
Unsung and mostly invisible.
Unlike Sir Moon-Turtle, who winges over the smell of his own farts.
To address your ignorant query...read! Then just stop embarrassing yourself. Lol smh.
"Building on the recommendations of the Hamilton Commission, Hamilton launched Mission 44, a charitable foundation created to help young people from under-represented backgrounds achieve their ambitions in wider society, in July 2021. Hamilton pledged £20m of his personal wealth to support the work of the charity, including supporting organisations and programmes that narrow the gap in employment and education. Mission 44 will work in conjunction with a joint charitable foundation between Hamilton and the Mercedes Formula One team, called Ignite, which was also launched in July 2021. Ignite focuses on increasing diversity in motorsport, by improving educational opportunities and offering financial support.
Hamilton often donates personal and professional paraphernalia for charity auctions. He auctioned a racing kart and raised over £42,000 for baby charity Tommy's. He raised £6,411 for the Small Steps Project in 2018, and £6,000 in 2019. In 2020, he raised another £4,000 for the Small Steps Project, while a donated race suit reportedly raised €20,000 for vulnerable children.
Hamilton frequently attends charitable functions and has supported projects and charities such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Comic Relief, Rays of Sunshine, Children in Need, and Stevenage's Keech Hospice Care Children's Service, among others. He is also involved in charitable work through the creation of his Lewis Hamilton Foundation. Registered in June 2008, the foundation provides grants and donations to a number of charitable causes."
All very noble and 'altruistic'.
Of the useless 'professions', F1 drivers do give back to society, somewhat.
Another useless profession, golfers, through the PGA and LPGA give hundreds of millions of dollars.
Perhaps they realise that apart from the 'entertainment' value they provide, they really don't provide any value to society. Sweet f__k-all.
You would cry too, if you were Lulululu
Given his achievements and wealth and influence of power plays the likes of which no other driver currently has.......no I wouldn't you insectivus imbecile. Lol smh.
time to change the nappy jax bitch
LOL Shouldn't Jaxwad be doing rap rather than bubble gum music? To paraphrase the Beatles, all that Lewie The Rapper money and power can't buy him love...or even a podium. Oh well, he'll be welcomed into the LA gangsta' community.
Somehow I think they'll give him not quite the welcome he's come to expect.. lol
Well, lulu is half way there joining the gangstas, he has the jewelry.
Where do I start , ok here goes Mission 44,a pledge is NOT , i've put 20m in out of my money, its an aspiration,a wish , a dream whats next ah yes Kart and race suit, wow very generous, but again not a penny of his Mega bucks ...lol, as for 6k 6 k and 4 , did he give that money NO the charities used his name and picture, and did Louise matchfund what was raised, I think ermm not , Next make a wish, comic relief, and children in need et al , Jax obviously isnt from UK any third race celeb is invited to do those, its Jax the Jester, or rather the Clown ,and Finally The Lewis Hamilton Foundation, as I've access to companies house records , i have checked the accounts Very thoroughly, its done VIRTUALLY since its incorporation.
If your going to copy and paste, always best to read thoroughly and do your research before clicking paste, but it is Jaxi we are talking about . Next please...!
Virtually nothing..oops
Yikes. Obsessed much?!
Has he reneged on the pledge? Has he not donated a penny since?
I know you're a special, no life having imbecile Fly guy. No need to keep proving it. 😌
Jax, I admire your loyalty to the great one. Truly dedicated to singing his praises even when it isn’t warranted. But by all means, keep it up.
All of this foundation and pledge stuff bores me. I'm interested in the knights' current racing results and Jaxwad's self proclaimed clairvoyance. Lewie now has to win 5 of the next 6 races to satisfy even the first leg of the guru's prognostications. Oops, oh well let's change our focus to Lewie's performance vs his teammate. Oops, that doesn't work either.
It's just so easy
to make Jaxi look stupid and it's fun to boot.I mean when your Gods been humiliated 6-1 by a young king in waiting, it has to hurt, maybe even make you feel a bit insecure in yourself
Foundations are a get quick money maker for the people who start them. The percentage of money that is raised from these foundations to help people or organizations is quite low. Foundations have massive overheads. Salaries taking the majority of the donated funds. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? A giant scam. They made millions. The people of Haiti still live in abject poverty.
Hope LH runs his better. Love to know more details. Commissions are just places for people who like to feel good about themselves without really doing anything. Sorry Jax, feels like a stab in the heart, eh!
Amen. The bloom has been off the rose since Liberty bought the business. As I have said many times, corp's and OEM's are the death knell of our sport. You guys say what you want about racing in the US (much of it true), at least a racer owns IndyCar. Wonder why Penske wants nothing to do with F1? Pretty obvious answer.
The thing about Jax is he thinks
All his fans think oh the power ( whatever the poor missguided soles think that is) oh the achievements, flawed,tarnished,reputation in the bin ,and finally money...lol who cares about money, the rest have riches worth far more, like gfs, wives and children .
What's Lucy got? A veggie farting mutt...!
That's right....who cares about money. You don't need money to live well and raise a family. All you need is love and a cave to rest thy head. 😄 Your ignorance knoweth no bounds Fly boy.
Folks...this is what happens when your life is sad to the point of obsessing over a successful person who you don't like, but which you can't measure up to.
And the to answer your last foolish question. He has the most successful F1 career.....without CHEATING! That's something 'nobody' else can claim at this time.
Starting a family is not unique and he still has loads of time and options of women to successfully do so. Something you can't and will never be accomplished enough to fathom.
But do try to comprehend without injuring your tiny mind. Lol.
Lulu already has all the money Money is not the issue. His days in f1 are waning and he sees his former achievements being shelved by younger drivers. That is LHs problem. He has been exposed for the driver that he really is. A driver that had a great car, not vis a verse.
Regarding having a family.O nly time will tell, he will have to forgo some of his ego, to share a life with someone. He will have to find someone like Angela, that will hold his umbrella and run behind him carrying his luggage. Wish him luck! Money only goes so far.
He has power for a short period and only in a sport. The small fish inwhy are you so fixated on money a big pond syndrome. Look at this way, in a hundred years, no one is going to care who or what was done in F1. The way it is going, it may be less than a hundred years.
Sorry, small fish in a big pond syndrome.
Ooh there you go again with your pithy quips.I must be hitting a nerve. Last week, I was simple-minded, now I just have a tiny mind. Wow...
You have a serious fixation on Hamilton’s money and success. His achievements in racing are one thing but the money thing is getting weird. There are plenty of overpaid athletes in all sports. LH is just one. Ever hear of Tom Brady? He has tons of money. Lots of professional athletes do. And lots have accomplished success in their field.
It appears you are living vicariously through LH. Interesting in sort of a strange and weird way.
Oh dear....tsk tsk. So desperate to retort you replied to a post that wasn't addressed to you. Lol smh. Unless you and Fly guy are one in the same. 😄 This is too good.
Money is part of measuring a level of success as one is paid according to their deemed worth, which also fuels envy by people who can't do what they do...much less to that level. Your "overpaid" comment just adds to my said point; hence, why I mention it. That old subconscious trigger Lol. In the end, their legacy is cemented. What have you haters done lately....whine and moan about them? 😏 Just sad.
And speaking of triggers and.."fishes in a pond", go read my second comment at the top. Hook....Line....Sinker! 😈😎 So easy. I did warn you in a prior post. Smh
Shrop', you've crossed the line. No dog bashing. Reminds of a sitcom line, "So that's where you draw the line?".
Apologies to all non braided dog owners out there, crossed the line 'first ' something that The Knight won't achieve in his final year...
"The thing about Jax is he thinks"
Oh, and this line makes zero sense.
Repeating the same thing back to back seems like Alzheimer's setting in, alongside the inability to hold thy fluids. 😂. Easy there Dotard.
I have a bit of a problem with 'Jax' and 'think' in the same sentence. The Wad's blind fealty is a character flaw.
Jax keeps referring to LHs power. Is LH a race car driver by day, then turns into a superhero at night with mega powers? I agree he orToto have something going when it comes to having people fired. Not sure I’d brag about that as a character asset.
You know Jax, George Soros has mega money, more than your hero. He uses his powers to destroy countries economies. Should we praise him for his wealth and power? That seems to be your requirement for admiration. Lewis is just a blip in Motorsport history, let’s put all this perspective.
The goal, in case you still didn't get it despite my repeated allusions, was to trigger comments by highlighting the real reasons for you Louses disliking Lewis. My initial comment had nothing to do with the topic of the post, yet 50 comments. You get it yet? Lol smh.
Now you've gone into conspiracies. So you're one those nuts aswell huh. 😄. Smh go figure.
There we go…attack George Soros…so you reveal yourself as one of those special Republicans. Nice pretend that you don’t like Hamilton for other reasons.
50 odd posts and the best effort you could come up with,only someone living on mars , or extremely thick , would know that Susans listed her reasons as I and others have, many times for disliking Lewie
Where dyo live again ?
Your posts have a lot of punctuation errors lately. You seem perturbed. Are you flustered Master Fly Bait? Lol. Maybe you need to release some....ahem tension. 😄.
Seems that lonely hermit life is taking its toll. Lol smh
I can write this more slowly…the reference to Soros is a whistle call among Trump loyalists. These folks dislike people of color and non-traditional gender behaviors.
Don’t like LH for his driving style? Or his radio transmissions? Fair play and have at it.
But this other dated nonsense about gangsta-this or Louise-that is childish, very disrespectful, and not in the neighborhood of clever.
Is it really important what Jax thinks? Not really. Lewis has more to worry about than his hero worshpping fans. Every week his gripes, complaints are overtaking his former stardom as the G.O.A.T. Pretty soon, he will be referenced as the FORMER 7 time WDC. Shroppyfly, leave Roscoe alone. He can’t help his social faux pas, he is exposed to too many rappers. They are the best dogs, can’t say that about his owner.
No your wrong Susan, pretty soon he won't be referenced at, it's starting now with King George as for his dog , yeah I feel a bit sorry for it,all that hair spray must irritate him eyes
So all that money all that trash jewellery all that trash clothes + seven WDC, s gives him the right to trash our only decent mode of entertainment fi fans are in abundance but not if it carrys on sir Lulu's way and Totos way come to that.
Don't worry Donald this is blingblings last year in f1, and Toto is on record as he's on the lookout for a successor for his job, if he'd found the right person, he'd be gone already
One word Mega... lol, oh and 8-10 titles, a fool and his comments.!
Oh I forgot, the Hamilton Commision, sounds impressive doesn't it , well for anyone that's actually read it, as I have its just a load of graphs and charts and % s, nothing really that highly likely wasn't in the public domain already or known to the Gov dept , but when presented by a load of eminent professors and Industry men , it looks all new and sparkly, when really it means f88k all, they just data gathered, and called it something flash .
Let's face it's the only way some people can get some interaction online is by
by talking bollox , also the op front have to start commenting we all know why we dislike Lewis if he wasn't controversial no one would talk to him.... oh but do i mean Lucy,
or his bro and fellow wannabe gangsta Jaxi and his crew
So again let's put out the reminder, just ignore the rapper, us reacting is the only interaction he gets..
Thanks for the 50th. You master bait on a fish hook. 😂😂
Dear Jax, you pathetic little person with apparently no life. It was fun for a while but your constant childish remarks have tired me out. Love Lewis. In the meantime adios,sayonara ciao, go pound sand, F off! I bid you adieu.
Fly Bait is this you posing under the pseudonym of a woman the whole time? Or are you actually a girl? Which is it? Lol. Seems thy frayed nerves got Jaxed. 😎
Oh what a bunch.
Good plan, Susan. Jaxwad has had NOTHING to add to motor racing discussions since he wandered into the room. His only plays are HAM fealty and throwing flame. Best to simply ignore him and hope that he disappears with the knight at the end of this season.
Click your ruby heels 3 times and wish upon a star so your dreams may come true....Rorothy. 😄
Noel Coward said: The only thing worse than being talked about, is NOT being talked about.
Ignoring you is the go-forward policy shared by many.
You're likely a 5 foot tall ginger with a high reedy little voice. Your posts are nails-on-a-chalkboard, and I can hardly wait for you to go peddle your vapid comments in some other forum.
Oh, and Jax, just because we've replied to your obsequious comments doesn't mean we like or hate you. We've all recognized your delusion. Like Dame Lucille, you think it's all about you - when really, you both have as much meaning in my life as lint, or a bottle-cap.
In the mean-time, just piss-off.
Brilliant, Canadian Guy. And here I thought your were just a big ol' lumberjack from BC or a horn tootin' truck driver. You even know some big words. :) Good on ya', my friend. Still, I continue to recommend ignoring Jaxwad. No oxygen, no fire.
Manxman said on June 3, 2022 at 16:16
I can write this more slowly…the reference to Soros is a whistle call among Trump loyalists. These folks dislike people of color and non-traditional gender behaviors. YES WE KNEW THAT
Don’t like LH for his driving style? Or his radio transmissions? Fair play and have at it. OH THANKS, I FEEL MUCH BETTER NOW I HAVE YOUR BLESSING
But this other dated nonsense about gangsta-this or Louise-that is childish, very disrespectful, and not in the neighborhood of clever
Condescending A>SE
He/she doesn't like our referring to the knight as Lewie The Rapper? How about Lewie The Loser? Is that more acceptable?
It does have a ring to it, but I don’t want to offend anyone. Concerned that you know who might run out of names to call me.
It’s hard to be offended when reading such prose. Enjoy your soccer.
Did you mean reading? Kind of hard to follow your thought process.
I really don’t care what you think one way of the other. Talk to the Hungarian government how they feel about Mr. Soros. He ruined their economy long before Trump arrived on the scene. Your limited thinking say a a lot why you crave a bromance with Sir What’s His Name. Hero worshipping from a far is sad.
Anyone read the interview Toto gave where he was asked, If he'd ask Lewis to let George past, Toto an emphatic NO, quickly followed by the comment that he'd not tell George to let Lewis past, Just the fact the journo asking that question says a lot about how bad the knights performing against the new King at Merc.....
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