Nov.16 - Formula 1 needs to be "respectful" of the places it visits, Lewis Hamilton declared ahead of the sport's highly-anticipated return to Las Vegas.

As the paddock prepares for the highly-unique event, F1 owner Liberty Media's CEO Greg Maffei took the extraordinary step of apologising to the public for a raft of pre-event problems.

The circuit takes in the fabled neon Casino 'Strip', but to make space for the required infrastructure, some trees had to be pulled out and even the iconic fountains at the Bellagio have had to be drained.

Tourists cannot use the gondoliers at the Venetian resort because canals have been drained and closed, with CNN claiming the Strip is "unrecognisable" in plenty of other ways.

University of Nevada Las Vegas professor Michael Green said the situation and the disruption is "clearly causing a lot of uproar", and it's also hurt F1 ticket sales - which were originally put on the market for eye-watering amounts of money.

The cheapest tickets have been slashed from a whopping $1,645 to just over $800, according to Forbes, some hotel prices have also dropped by half, while Fox 5 Vegas claims the late-night session times and cold weather have left local interest in decline.

"I've heard there's been a lot of complaints about the event being here from the locals," seven time world champion Lewis Hamilton said at a sponsor event in Las Vegas for Mercedes team sponsor IWC.

"I think we have to be respectful of the locals here," he added. "So many people working so hard. There's a lot of money and wealth in this city.

"We've got to make sure people are taken care of. We can't be a circus that shows up that's all glitz and glamour and people are affected negatively by it, in my opinion."

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22 F1 Fan comments on “Hamilton Voices Concerns Over F1 Impact on Las Vegas Community

  1. shroppyfly

    Affected negatively by it? its Las Vegas not a National park..... more people have negatively affected by the gambling than a weekend of racing get a grip princess

    • ReallyOldRacer

      Shrop', on this one you are dead wrong. Gambling and tourism are the lifeblood of LV, ripping out trees, closing water features, draining canals and completely shutting down roadways has had a huge negative impact on that lifeblood.

      Fact: Liberty doesn't give a rat's ass about any of that as long as it makes money. On this one Lewie is spot on. You and Susan need to throttle back your bias just a bit.

  2. Susan

    How does Lew have the time to even think about racing. With so many world issues on his shoulders, worrying about so many people. Amazing what he has to deal with. I am sure that the locals will be glad when this weekend is over, but they probably aren’t as fragile as Lew. Come Monday morning, life will go on, with some good memories and some bad ones.

  3. Gman

    Yes, affected negatively, I was just at a conference in nearby Arizona this week with a LV resident and they are not happy, traffic has been disrupted, regular Vegas tourism has been negatively affected as they cannot see many of the sights in Vegas. All those casinos require a large number of staff to keep it all going, many work in multiple hotel/casinos and this has negatively affected their income for weeks leading up to the GP. They missed an opportunity to build a permanent track on the outskirts of town, COTA 2.0, that could have legitimately made it both a great race with all the hotel and entertainment covered and still keep the Vegas spectacle intact.

    • ReallyOldRacer

      Good observations. Gman. You missed one salient point. The temp track is very uninspiring. Really just 3 fast straights with a few gymkhana sections. If Liberty was serious about promoting a world class event they could have designed a first rate stand alone and not simply set out to rape LV.

  4. Susan

    Very good points made, Gman. Liberty Media blew it on this big time. A permanent course would cost huge amounts of money and after this weekend, there might not be much enthusiasm for anything permanent. Miami is glitzy enough, not sure Las Vegas was a wise choice. Initially there was real enthusiasm until reality set in. It would be nice if Liberty would consider what would be good for F1 but I am afraid money is more of a driving force. That is what reality is, it is a business first, sport second. The very ugly side of capitalism

    • BigSkyBob

      Capitalism is why we have f1 racing. Between the budgets of the ten teams, and, the costs of transportation and staging events F! is an over 2 billion dollar show. The number of socialist entities that would fund such a spectacle is diddly over squat. Fortunately for race fans, companies such as Perilli, Rolex, and Red Bull can find value in sponsoring the show. We are the beneficiaries of their naked self-interest. For you to not recognize that their self-interest might not align exactly with yours is rather narcissistic. The sport requires sponsorship, and, the sport is technical innovation. The sport depends on F1 emphasizing technologies companies such as Honda want to research. ICE's didn't interest Honda, so they left the sport. Quick charge/discharge battery technology did, so Honda reentered the sport. If you want to look for "ugliness" in F1, look at the history of tobacco sponsorships.

  5. Susan

    f1award, no one hates LH, but his incessant concerns, complaining and self pity, coming from a 39 yo multi multi millionaire is tedious. Reliving something that happened 2 years ago is old, being vocal on every social ill in the world is tiresome almost forgetting there are many people out there trying to make a real difference. Obviously he has right to express his opinions but does he have to hire a public relations firm to make his concerns posted everyday on social media. I read the news and formulate my own opinions and awareness of what is happening in the world. LHs opinions are as irrelevant as mine in the big scheme of things. There are many other venues where he could address his world concerns.

    • f1award

      Susan, that's so funny you saying no one hates LH but go onto insult him in the same sentence, he said it can be difficult for residents and non F1 fans and that sets you off on one.
      You and name calling Shoddypost bring this forum down with you constant whining about LH.

  6. Susan

    I am not insulting him, just giving examples from his interviews on his own postings. Don’t blame the messenger for repeating what he has said. He puts it out there. Not making anything up. I don’t hate this guy but I don’t like what he says, my right to an opinion. If LH and loyal minions are offended, don’t read the comments.

    • ReallyOldRacer

      Susan, I agree with you on most issues. In this case, our fav Brit knight actually made sense. Doesn't happen often and I'll be right back with you when I see his LV attire...should be fun.

  7. Susan

    Early on when LV was put on the GP, a lot of excitement ( mostly because so much money could be made by a lot of people, not just LM). Reality started sinking in and the residents found out the were had. I blame Liberty. They are in the business to make money, period. I don’t like Miami and really don’t like racing venues, but that is the bad side of capitalism. The damage is done. Starting Monday, the fountains will be back on, gondolas will be back in business and trees replaced, leaving the local population with a very bad taste in their mouths. Hopefully not to be repeated. Having said all that, Lewis lovesto drop his opinions on every social ill, like no else thought about this. Sure he as a public forum but everyday, day in and day out. Enough. He should be lessening his burdens and focus on winning his 8th.
    Now I’m off to slay my own dragons.

    • blo

      Susan, you and the rest of the don't have to read his pronouncements every day day in day out, I've never read them and feel no loss. You must have to much time on your hands.

  8. Susan

    Unfortunately, they are on every social media. Hard to miss them. Videos, social media, especially Facebook. Tried to block them but is not possible. His face is plastered everywhere, my reflexes aren’t fast enough to delete.Unfortunately I don’t, my niece just had a heart transplant and is not doing well. F1 is a diversion for me. But thanks, Blo!

  9. Donalf

    LV horror track, looks like it's been prepped for F1 motorised cage fighting,, my sister in law who has visited Vegas a dozen times & just loves the place "not for me to austentacious" has been going on to me that I must watch LV gp to see all the glam hotels & casinos & the lights plus water features she's soooooi disappointed with all the high rise fencing like a scene from roller ball blxxdy horrible, silverstone beats Vegas hands down., to much glam the cars & drivers look like something from a circus with flying inspection covers instead of custard pies. 😜


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