Magnussen needs 3 months to return to F1 fitness level

Apr.5 - It will take "three months" before Kevin Magnussen is match-fit for Formula 1.
After losing his Haas seat, the Dane spent a full year in sports cars before being recalled by the small American team to replace Nikita Mazepin.
He struggled physically in Bahrain, but team boss Gunther Steiner is happy about the 29-year-old's return to Formula 1.
"I think he's matured over the last year and realised how good it was to be in Formula 1," Steiner said.
"When you are out of F1 you just realise what you lost and making it back in is like a dream."
But Magnussen's real physical struggles only struck in Saudi Arabia, when he said his neck "broke" in Q3 - meaning he could no longer hold his head up in corners.
"It's not that he's unfit," his physio Thomas Jorgensen is quoted by
""The problem is that he didn't use the muscles he needed in F1. Sports cars don't require as much physical strength as F1.
"It will take some time for Kevin to fully recover. Usually it should take two months during the winter when you can train every day, but now that the season has begun and there are more travel days and races, it's even harder to do your usual routines.
"So it will be another three months before Kevin is in good shape," Jorgensen added.
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We often compare current F1 cars and racing to the good ol' days. We don't think about it, but maybe the biggest change is the necessity for driver fitness, mental and physical.
Researched a little into this , its the G"s the drivers now have to cope with much more so i suppose neck muscles etc etc, although during the bad days JYS era when they knew a friend was likely to die and that they went to a lot of funerals, mentally that's gotta be much harder than the Hamilton Playgirl era were in today
Let's remember, hydration was not a thing in the JYS era and the big challenge was where to put your cigarettes so the seatbelts didn't crush them. But, JYS did practice abstinence on a race weekend. Why? Maybe Helen was a bit of a tigress back in the day and drained his energy. Ah, the good old days. Sex, danger and destroy your body because you were 20% likely to crash and burn in the next fast corner.
BTW, Aussies rejoice, just two more days.
Were cars slower in the 70,80,90 yrs not really was there less g?
There definitely was manual g boxes, so i dont know really, i mean mansel was a brute physically , compare him to the skinny drivers of today, 190mph and manual boxes , mmm bet that was fun
Point taken. Prost isn't exactly a giant, 5'5" and 140# wet, and he seemed to get by. Perhaps it's the prolonged g-forces in corners? Dunno'. I do know that the guys squeak a lot about fitness now and not much noise back in the day. Be nice to see comparative data.
No time for talking bull back in the day,i suppose less media interviews too so less time to blame anyone. now its all about the tyres, the car , the traffic, the pitt stops , blame blame blame blah blah blah
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