Marko blames 'the English press' for Vips Red Bull exit

Aug.22 - Dr Helmut Marko has blamed "the English press" for Red Bull's decision to axe promising young junior driver Juri Vips.
Estonian Formula 2 driver Vips, 21, kept his F2 seat but lost all backing and support by Red Bull after a recent online incident in which he used the 'N-word'.
"The English press unleashed such a shitstorm that we had no choice but to remove him from all his positions," said Dr Helmut Marko, referring also to Vips' F1 reserve driver duties.
"My view is that he is 21 years old and apologised," the 79-year-old Austrian told
"I hate that it happened in a stupid video game as well, as if they have nothing better to do in the afternoon. I don't know how you can do something like that for more than two minutes," Marko added.
"But hey, that's young people."
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"we had no choice but to remove him from all his positions," said Dr Helmut Marko
You're the ones making the decisions, you could've chosen to stick by him and ignore the "English press", but you chose not to. You chose to throw him to the wolves, but hey that's the old fart Helmut Marko for you.
Kyle Larson, American NASCAR and speedway racer, suffered the same fate a few years ago when he uttered the "N" word whilst playing on the iRacing computer game. Kyle was given a 12 month ban from NASCAR and subsequently lost all his sponsors.
Since then, he has made a sensational return to become NASCAR Champion for 2021 and has won more races than any other American speedway driver!
Just shows, Juri should be given an opportunity to show his skills with a good and supportive team. He can make it happen! I'd love to see him secure a good drive and give Red Bull some regrets for their lack of support.
More political correctness gone mad !!
Doctor Doctor, with your years of ermmm Wisdom, I guess you don't have a clue how the British press works..... yes totally agree obviously its the presses fault, I mean they sacked him didn't they , oh no that Was You.... but to be a little circumspect, the Italian and British press are probably the two most ruthless and hard media when it comes to destroying someone , BUT Juri uttered the N***a word and YOU sacked him, nothing more to say is there
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