Williams driver Felipe Massa wants refuelling to be introduced back into the sport from 2017.

The F1 Strategy Group announced several changes to bring make Formula 1 exciting again, and the re-introduction of mid-race refuelling was top of the list.

Cars haven’t been able to refuel since 2009, when it was outlawed on safety grounds.

Massa told reporters: “I don’t think it’s a problem for safety. We had many years with refuelling in Formula 1 and we had a few problems, but not really very dangerous problems to be honest,

“I think it’s a good thing and [will] change completely the race. The problem now is that we will race with very heavy cars with the full tank and the lap times, if you compare qualifying and the race, it’s a big difference.

“It’s a lot slower compared to how it was with the refuelling. I’m sure the race will be more interesting and nicer for the driving – more sprint racing. So I like the refuelling and I am in favour.”


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