Apr.29 - Donald Trump may have had to shelve plans to attend this weekend's Miami GP.

The Washington Post reports that Trump's friend and associate Steve Witkoff had organised a fundraising event to be held at F1's paddock Club.

Those invited "were told the event was for Trump and would cost $250,000," the newspaper said, adding that the plans had advanced to the point of the secret service reaching out to race organisers.

In response, the Miami GP "sent a cease and desist letter", explaining that the fundraiser would have breached the terms of the paddock Club booking.

"If this is true, we regret to inform you that your suite license will be revoked, you will not be allowed to attend the race at any time, and we will refund you in full," the letter reportedly read.

When contacted for comment, real estate developer Witkoff said only: "This is something fake, for sure."

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One F1 fan comment on “Miami GP Thwarts Trump's Attendance Plans Last Minute

  1. Barry M Webb

    I have been an F1 enthusiast for many years and do not understand the logic of degrading an International Sporting Event by hosting a fund raiser in the Paddock Club for a failed President. True International sports ARE enthusiasts sports and external politics should not even be considered. F1 is an international sport (initially European) and in my opinion should have remained that way.


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