Miami GP vote delayed amid corruption rumour

Plans for a grand prix in Miami remain dead in the water.
Liberty Media had wanted to put a second US grand prix on the calendar for 2019, but despite delays F1 CEO Chase Carey insisted negotiations were still "going on" regarding 2020.
However, F1 business journalist Christian Sylt reports that local lawmakers have effectively now cancelled moves for a 2020 Miami GP by delaying a vote of the Miami City Commission.
The Independent revealed the minutes of a meeting that show the vote "was deferred to the May 23, 2019 planning and zoning commission meeting".
Not just that, we have learned that an email emerged in which F1 commercial boss Sean Bratches offers to "host" Miami-Dade County mayor Carlos A Gimenez and "a couple friends".
"Sean Bratches appears to be making an unlawful gift offer in order to influence the Mayor of Miami-Dade County," said a whistleblower.
The email appeared in an advertisement within the pages of the Miami Herald. The editor of the newspaper was contacted for confirmation but did not reply.
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