Mike Gascoyne misses Formula 1 pitwall

Mike Gascoyne
Mike Gascoyne has admitted he misses the F1 pitwall.
Since 2010, the former Renault and Toyota technical director has been a leading figure at Caterham (nee Lotus).
But in April of this year, it was announced he was leaving the F1 team to become the chief technical officer of the entire Caterham group.
Indeed, Gascoyne's name currently does not appear at all on the Caterham F1 website, as Mark Smith and John Iley now head the technical departments.
"Lots of people have asked me recently why they have not seen me on the pitwall and around at the races in formula one," Gascoyne admitted on Wednesday, after launching a new website for his own consultancy business MGI.
"Although I retain an interest in F1 I no longer travel to races so hence am no longer on the pitwall," he explained.
"Whilst I miss racing as you would expect after 20 years on the pitwall, I certainly don't miss the travelling and the time away from the office and family."
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