Yet another driver has hit out at retiring F1 driver Fernando Alonso.

After a qualifying run-in at Monza, Kevin Magnussen said the Spaniard "thinks he's God".

"I'm looking forward to his retirement," the Haas driver added.

Pierre Gasly, the Toro Rosso driver who next year is stepping up to Red Bull Racing, sounds like he agrees.

The Frenchman says he too ran into a particularly aggressive Alonso at Monza, this time during Sunday's grand prix.

"I was outside and he squeezed me off the track," said Gasly. "I went on the kerb but he touched my car which damaged it.

"I don't think it's right, drivers need to leave some room for their opponents. He knows that he's not in formula one next year, so he behaves more aggressively than usual.

"I also know he doesn't like our team because we use Honda engines, but it's no way to behave," Gasly, 22, added.

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20 F1 Fan comments on “Now Gasly hits out at 'aggressive' Alonso

  1. andrew willsher

    if Kevin Magnussen has half the career of Fernando Alonso has had he would be happy im fed up Magnussen moaning all the time your paid a lot of money to do a privilaged job get on with it or get out of f1 i wont miss you sorry if this offends anyone but all he does is moan

  2. Edmund White

    Gasly & Magnussen both need to realise this is a combetitive sport & to get to the top they will find there are knockbacks at times, so grow up you are not in primary school any more !!!

  3. Simon Saivil

    Edmund and Andrew, It is so nice to have your views so bluntly, in a know-it-all manner, blurted out. I concede I know relatively little about Magnussen and Gasly, but I do know I am maxing out on Alonso. The man's initials F.A., may just as well stand for F*****ing A******hole. He is so full of himself, it's not even funny!

  4. Kenn Hanberg

    I think its good that drivers are not fearing anymore to say their opinion about this kind person Alonso is that is mobbing and misbehaving on track , on the radio and off camera as well. I dont know why he is so arrogant and wants to chase the new ones. It´s like "I am the 2 time champion (for several years ago) so stay out of my way and follow "my system" as he mentioned in an interview. New drivers starts to talk openly about his behaviour because they also have the right to be there and they have a lot of talent. You can see that in both Ocon, Leclerc, Magnussen and Gasly f.i. They will be the future of Formula 1. So Alonso..stop this misbehaving an act like a man

  5. Redline Read

    So Many armchair critics! As a racing driver for fifty years ( and still going ) and lifetime F1 enthusiast , I think Alonso has shown great enthusiasm and mature patience to wring the most out of every single lap, he has shown how to be a racing driver( teamate trounced ) . Get rid of wimps like like Stroll and Sirotkin, who have ruined a great team, keep Alonso & Kimmi for real racing.

    • Simon Saivil

      Redline, interesting observations. Posters are "armchair critics" but you admit to an opinion ("I think"). Does that mean others aren't entitled to the opinions? "....wimps like like Stroll and Sirotkin...." How is calling young drivers "wimps" any less offensive than not being deferential to your hero Alonso. You, presumably, have about as much say as any of us posting here as to who stays and who goes, so, some of us may defy the odds and your advice/dictate and continue posting.

      • redline

        Alonso is not my "hero" ,I am simply someone that appreciates real talent. Real new talent is knocking on the door based on performance ,not money, in the form of Russell, Norris , Aitken ,DeVries . This will not put right the lack of driver/ engineering nous required urgently at William,where the incumbent drivers have been unable to give any meaningful input to the (still) excellent squad. The team hasn't failed it is its drivers, which is the reverse of McLaren !

        • Simon Saivil

          Yes, but Sirotkin is a rookie and Stroll in his second year. Expect what you can expect from a cumulative 2 years experience. Williams hired them knowing exactly who and what they were, so why blame the drivers for being who they are? I am sorry, but my being accommodative to the young drivers doesn't make you any less so to the experienced ones. There is no way around the fact of people having likes and dislikes, and the fact is that to many Alonso is not a likeable person his considerable driving skills notwithstanding


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