Report: No more pre-race 'kneeling' this season?

Feb.11 - The rainbow signage, the 'End Racism' messaging, and the pre-race kneeling look set to all be a thing of the past once F1 gets up and racing in 2021.
"Anti-racism campaign: No more drivers kneeling before the start?" wonders the headline at Italy's La Gazzetta dello Sport.
It comes after Formula 1 announced on Wednesday that it is shaking up its 'WeRaceAsOne' strategy.
"This season, the rainbow will no longer feature alongside the WeRaceAsOne platform," F1 confirmed in a statement.
Indeed, the specific anti-racism messaging of 2020 is being replaced by three new "core pillars" in 2021 - namely: sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and community.
As for the controversial kneeling, which was led by Lewis Hamilton before each race but adopted by only 12 other drivers, that may now disappear from F1.
"We plan to include a moment before the start of each race this season to show our united support for important issues, and will be discussing this with the drivers and the teams ahead of the start of the season," Formula 1 confirmed.
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Oh at last get rid of the kneeling this is about racing it should be a sport not a political event, I don't condone anything racist etc. etc. etc, but come on lets go racing .
I agree, I can't wait for the season of Formula 1 to start, real racing without politics. David la Ruse
At last sense prevails
I think that we all have opinions on the subject and others beliefs should not be foisted on everyone
Well done FIA for stepping up
Hip hip huray, And now Mercedes must go back to their silver arrows car. Repaint.
Not yet, so live with it!
It's about time all that kneeling crap was stopped should have happened last season as soon as the nonsense started At last common sense prevails.
Hooray, should have been dropped long ago....ATTENTION ToTo Wolf repaint your cars SILVER, they look awful in "DARK" paint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Black" is the embodiment of ALL colours and the new livery is absolutely magnificent.
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