Ricciardo rules out replacing Vettel

Daniel Ricciardo has ruled out replacing Sebastian Vettel at Ferrari.
Currently, although Mattia Binotto says Vettel and Charles Leclerc are staying in 2020, there are rumours quadruple title winner Vettel could be about to retire or return to Red Bull.
One name linked with his seat in red is Ricciardo, who left the most recent grand prix in Austria wondering if the design of his Renault car is flawed.
"To be honest, I've been reading stories like these for the past three or four years," the Australian is quoted by Brazil's Globo Esporte.
"But I have my contract that keeps me here until 2020. It's a two year deal. So even if Seb retires this year, even if it's his decision, it's nothing to do with me."
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Not fair :- He's already ousted/humiliated him from RB by way of beating him in his team 'rookie' year.
Yes, the Ricciardo supporters (or shall we say Vettel haters?) never stop harping about this. Somehow their memory fails them about Kvyat replacing Vettel and handily beating Ricciardo. Isn't it also said that Ricciardo ran away from Verstappen?
You've got it (Not a Vettel hater so don't be so sensitive).
Vettel ran from Ricciardo as in 2014 Riccardo beat the established Vettel by a massive 70 points, it's a view held by most commentators.
As to Kvyat beating Rircciardo in 2015, it was by tiny 3 points (less than 2%).
"Don't be so sensitive..." Projecting again, are we?
Tiny 3 points is a 300% of what some Championships were won by - a single point.
But go ahead, have it your way: Ricciardo walks on water and Vettel cannot swim.
Lets make it simple for you. 2014 Riccardo 238 Vettel 167 a massive 71 points in Riccardo's first year in the team.
Walking on water doesn't come into it, when talking about these 2 drivers, which is what the story is about, facts speak for themselves.
I'll make it simple for you. 2014 Riccardo (in his first year with the team) 238 Vettel 167, a massive 71 points.
The story is about Vettel and Riccardo and we should stick to facts not history not rumours about whether they can swim
Danny Ricciardo contract with Renault is tied on til 2020. so he will not replace Vettel at Ferrari this year. Seb face says he's not happy here and now. so only he can say yeah or nay. good luck at the British GP Danny go go go.
Vettel yes let him go if i was the boss of Ferrari i will get Max in a flash guys
OK then, "....facts speak for themselves...." and you speak both for yourself and for several other posters who are riled up by my iconoclasm. OK, OK then?
David...... thank f..k you not the boss at Ferrari or any other team including box cart racing
and you know Nothing f...k keep your child remarks to your self have a nice day
Now now girls, stop being childish. Thats what kills these forums
Ricciardo, in a Ferrari, winning Monza and Monaco, is the perfect scenario for the Tifosi..if it’s Mr Leclerc that does that then it’s still a bright and sunshiny day. Peace out paisanos, enjoy life and the surprises that are on the way.
Alonso is free for a one year deal with Ferrari if vettel quits.
Me i will say never Alonzo silly never Ferrari they got rid of him Ricardo yes or young Max
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