Todt plays down Vettel penalty controversy

Jean Todt has played down the controversy about the penalty that cost Sebastian Vettel victory in Canada.
Vettel was livid after the Montreal race, and Ferrari is looking into presenting enough evidence for a "review" of the stewards decision.
Others insist that it was a perfect example of F1's overregulation, and that the race stewards can often make highly questionable decisions.
But FIA president Todt told Bild newsppaer: "There are always debates about penalties.
"This is no different in Formula 1 than it is in other sports."
Some have blasted the stewards for the questionable call, but Todt insisted: "We have the best stewards in the world. They do a great job."
He also played down the need for rule changes.
"The drivers are always the first to insist that all the rules are complied with," said the former Ferrari boss.
"If you start to loosen them, it can sometimes make it dangerous. We can see that in part in Formula E, where the drivers have much more freedom than in Formula 1."
Todt declined to give his personal opinion about the Vettel penalty, declaring: "That is not my job."
He was happier to speak about the October delay for the announcement of F1's rules for 2021.
"It's better to keep working together for three or four months and have a good result rather than ending the process a bit prematurely," said 73-year-old. "We are talking about the next five years until 2026.
"I believe we will end up with a good result."
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Over 1 week later and it's still a headline. But, I suppose it could make the difference of Vettel finishing 90 points or just 85 points behind Hamilton
What does that mean? Could you elaborate?
I think it's pretty obvious. Vettel is going to finish so far behind Hamilton in the final F1 standings this will be no more than a storm in teacup and not deserving of the amount of attention that Ferrari and Vettel are demanding.
Don’t use replys. Let drivers race. They know the risk and they feel what the cars are doing at speed. Don’t try to put think them.
Vettel won the race fair and square,the stewards got it wrong -Vettel was driving on the limit and was busy gathering control of the car,he did not cut across Hamilton on purpose,it was a racing incident,pure and simple! I am a Hamilton Fan but right is right.
Emmm, he didn't win according to the results table, the stewards and plenty of F1 fans and drivers. "driving on the limit" actually trying to recover from driving beyond his ability, again.
He may or may not have done it on purpose but then there's no such fuss and wingeing for weeks when penalties are imposed for unsafe pit stop releases and that definatley has nothing to do with the driver
Vettel was not driving on the limit, he was driving beyond his ability and lost control, he lost the race because of his own mistake, he should own up and except his well deserved penalty.
My thoughts re. This incident was nothing more than a racing incident & should have been seen in this light!!! Having followed F1 over half a century, having seen 1st hand thousands of times in all forms of racing, cars, m/cycles (all types) MR. V WAS VERY FORTUNATE NOT ONLY IN ESCAPING FROM A MINOR ERROR WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUS IN ITSELF, THE PROXIMITY OF BOTH DRIVERS DURING THIS INCIDENT WAS SUCH THAT A CRASH WAS AVOIDED BY THE SKILLS OF BOTH DRIVERS!!!! VETTEL DID NOT CHEAT IN ANY SENSE, HE SAVED HIMSELF & CAR 1ST & FOREMOST. NO OFFENCE???
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