Vettel: Verstappen 'still a little wild'

Jul.18 - Sebastian Vettel has no right to complain about dangerous driving.
That is the retort of Max Verstappen, after German Vettel's latest spate of fist-waving during the pair's on-track battle at Silverstone.
During the race, Verstappen said Vettel appeared to want to play "bumper cars", but afterwards it was the Ferrari driver questioning the other's tactics.
"He has more experience now and has become calmer," Vettel said, "but Max is still a little wild in his defending."
But Red Bull's Verstappen, 19, hit back by saying he did not take Vettel's complaint seriously, "Especially after what happened last time when he got penalty points on his license."
Verstappen was undoubtedly referring to Baku, whereafter Vettel was forced to apologise for deliberately steering into his championship rival Lewis Hamilton.
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That kid do
This lithe punk have to learn much more,seb is ri
Verstappen is more than a" little wild" ,he is dangerous because his father has apparently taught him that the way to get ahead is to show no regard for the other drivers and the stewards have let Verstappen get away with all of his blocking,double moves and dangerous driving ( like his cutting off Raikonnen at 200mph at Spa).
It is not at matter of IF Verstappen will cause a serious injury or worse its a matter of WHEN and its not to be called an accident because it will not really be a mistaken.
Verstappen has been taught to drives dangerously and F1 has let him . I just feel sorry for the driver and his family when Verstappen's " me 1st and me only" attitude results in the paralysis ,dismemberment or death of someone who upsets Verstappen or just get in his way.
F1 wanted to create a young star and would not wait for Verstappen to mature or Ocon to gain experience so it let Verstappen do anything he wanted to do and it seems his father told him to disregard the fact that the other drivers are human beings and that there is no price too high to pay for success so long as someone else pays it..
Such a shame ,especially when you take into account that Verstappen has the talent to succeed without being " Maldonado 2.0".
Verstappen is not a "little wild" he drives with no regard for other drivers and apparently was taught that there is no price too high to pay for success as long as someone else pays the price.
The question is not IF Verstappen will disable,dismember or kill another driver its a question of WHEN.
Such a shame since he has such talent that he would develop into a great driver and one who showed a regard for life and limb had not (apparently his father ) and obviously the F1 stewards OK'd his "me 1st and me only" philosophy of driving.
The last thing F1 needed was "Maldonado 2.0" but they thought it was good for ticket sales and that is exactly what they made .
In the long run a loss to all,especially the driver and the family of the driver who is on the short side of Verstappen's entitled beliefs .
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