Lewis Hamilton should not be surprised when he is sometimes booed.

That is the view of outspoken 1997 world champion Jacques Villeneuve. At Hockenheim last weekend, Mercedes' British driver was booed at times during the driver parade.

"Lewis should not be surprised," Villeneuve is quoted by Auto Bild.

"He confuses formula one with Hollywood. Everything he does is staged.

"He portrays himself on social media like he is Jesus. The way he knelt next to his car after his problem in qualifying looked like the suffering of Christ. And what he said afterwards was the Sermon on the Mount.

"Then he gestured so dramatically on the podium that everyone could see who sent the sudden rain," Villeneuve said.

Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff, however, wants Hamilton to remain being himself.

After watching the TV replay of the German grand prix, Hamilton wrote on social media that he thought Sky's ex-driver pundits could not find "a good word to say" about him.

He deleted the Instagram post.

But Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff told the Sun: "I actually encouraged him to leave all that stuff online and speak his mind.

"It is what we need. We need to create stories. We need controversies. We need polarising stances," he added.

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18 F1 Fan comments on “Villeneuve: Hamilton portrays himself as Jesus

  1. Chris Wise

    Hamilton, in my opinion, is an spoilt overpaid, illiterate lout who thinks that he is Gods gift to mankind.
    have a look at the self opinionated dude.
    He should wear dresses and a bag full of dummies for all of his pre madonna ummy spits when things do not go his way and he has his tantrums.
    Put him in any other than a Mercedes and he would be hopeless.

  2. Chris Wise

    Dear Tubas, Thank you for your very kind words.
    I have been following F1 for about 60 years and apart from that, own a boat, aircraft twin turbo Nissan had a business with 21 teams of contractors plus 2 service techs, office staff, contracts manager and 3 sales engineers.
    Yep, I did underachieve slightly and could have done better.
    We all have our opinions and I voiced mine as Hamilton is a spoilt premadonna.
    I do not take his achievements away him, however. put some others in the Mercedes and they too will do well.
    I respect him for his abilities, but he is just as I described otherwise.
    And by the way, this is the first time that I have posted a comment.
    You have a good day and please remember what happens when you flap your hands around below your waist.

    • Simon Saivil

      I don't claim your knowledge but disagree with some statements. Or don't you remember younger Hamilton crashing into other cars, particularly Masa, causing masa to give him a slap of disapproval in front of the camera, and hamilton defending himself against the criticism saying "I love the way i drive." Name me a driver that doesn't love the way he drives. When the Red Bull ruled the roost Hamilton complained about nobody else coming close. Now that the shoe is on the other foot he is generously accommodative. A mere wheel touch Mercedes quickly sees as a conspiracy. Hamilton has a double burden, in addition to having to race: his mixed race makes him a convenient object to pander to, and the Formula 1 is, essentially, an anglo-media prerogative, so his being a Brit doesn't help him against this media fawning.

  3. Martin

    I think Mr Wise has forgotten that Lewis Hamilton started off in a McLaren not in a Mercedes and up against Fernando . And Guess what ?
    I have been a follower of F1 for 50 yrs , l also ran a motor racing team for 12 yrs
    Lewis Hamilton is in my opinion, without doubt the best racing driver we have ever had if not the best ever. To me, having some experience with racing drivers, He is well mannered and articulate, and certainly no lout, and l have never seen him deliberately drive into somebody or shout about the size of his aeroplane.
    But unfortunately he is also human and does wear his heart on his sleeve. But we mustn’t let him get away with that . Must we.

  4. Maggie Smith

    As those of us who were raised properly with respect and good manners were told, ‘ if you can’t think of anything nice to say, keep your trap shut!’. All this bitterness towards Lewis Hamilton is bigoted racial jealousy. How dare some black kid from a council estate achieve more in Formula 1than the privileged middle class white boys that dominate motorsports!!! God forbid someone with pure talent should ever achieve what Lewis has achieved!!!

    • Chris Wise

      So, the days of free speech and voicing ones thought is over is it?
      Take note, when his God, tattooed on his neck, allows him to win, he is approachable.
      When things do not go his way, he is like a spiolt child who has lost his dummy.
      Nobody denies his talent, its his attitude.
      Besides, have a look at him, he is a freak show.

      • Simon Saivil

        Yeeeessssss! It's his attitude that bothers. Not that the media pandering to him makes it any easier. Incidentally, what is it about the haircuts? Hamilton, Vettel and ricciardo, arguably three best drivers on the grid, every time they visit a barber the get into a fight with the clippers and lose!

    • Coach Mann

      Maggie your loins are burning for the touch of a man and this is where your pent up hatred comes from ! don't despair little one it will all be over soon

      • Chris Wise

        Coach Man, your comment to Maggie is that far below the belt it defies belief.
        Fortunately, we can all have opinions, but yours is noting but a vile attack on Maggie.
        Must have been raised in the slums Eh?

    • Simon Saivil

      Dabbled in racing F-1 cars, running himself into winning a champion title some years back. Currently an unpaid gadfly specialising in detracting and looking at the holes instead of in the doughnuts.

  5. michael kay

    Nobody doubts Hamilton's talent but it is approach to life that bothers people. You can call him a spoiled brat,a poor loser etc. etc. Unfortunately he creates his own misery with the press

  6. tokin

    Vettel beat Hamilton a few times in a lesser car, no one can say the Mercedes is not better. ok the Ferrari was faste ron the straights but that was du a lower down force but was not god on the twisty parts of the track. in equal cars seb would beat hamilton


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