Wolff sees no problem in Hamilton's days of skydiving

Apr.11 - Lewis Hamilton is allowed to do "everything" whilst away from the Formula 1 circuits.
That is how Toto Wolff responded when asked how Mercedes feels about paying the seven time world champion so much whilst he risks his life with off-track activities like ten skydives in a single day.
In between the Saudi Arabian and Australian grands prix, 37-year-old Hamilton travelled to Dubai where he indulged in a day of solo diving.
"I've been skydiving for several years, but logically with the pandemic I couldn't practice," he is quoted by Marca sports newspaper in Spain.
"I did 10 jumps and learned something new with each one. It's a fantastic way to clear your mind before focusing on the next race."
Some F1 teams expressly and contractually forbid drivers from participating in dangerous non-racing activities, but Wolff says the situation with Hamilton could not be more different.
"I allow everything," he told Osterreich newspaper.
"Because that's what makes Lewis special. Others meditate or run, but Lewis jumps out of a plane to clear his head. And he should!
"As long as the performance is right, he can do anything. And believe me, the performance will be right again soon."
Hamilton also seems determined to buck the explicit Formula 1 rules this year, after the sport's new directors made clear that drivers may not wear jewellery whilst in the car.
The British driver responded by saying he would go to the next race at Imola with "more jewellery".
"They'll be staying," he said after Sunday's race in Melbourne.
"I feel like you should be able to be who you are. And they're stuff I can't move. I literally can't even take these ones in my right ear out. They're literally welded in, so I'd have to get them chopped off or something."
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Another example of HAM thinking he is above the rules.
Ban him from racing if he won"t comply with something that is there for drivers safety in the event of an accident.
Yes, we'll see if they have the balls to enforce the rules.
Ham is so annoying at times, and we're seeing now that Russell is just as fast or faster...
Suggest you re-read or maybe just read. This is not an example as there is nothing in his contract forbidding him from sky diving, therefore no rule is in place.
I cite Montoya and Raikkonen and Webber as examples of this. not saying it should be set in a contract , just flippin common sense imo
Read the second part of the article about not wanting to remove his body jewellery.
It should have been obvious that is what I was referring to.
Les, this particular poster does not have a rep for actually reading articles before he fires one off.
Nope, because you said it was ANOTHER example. Just admit your anti LH sentiment overrides your judgement and writing skills.
So Lucy's gonna keep all the piercing's. Right on. Stand-up for your rights!!
OK. I naturally take things way too far. The image that pops into my head is one of ole' Lucy showing up with like dozens of rings in his eye-lids, eye-brows, nose, lips, ears, you name it. So many, if fact, that he can hardly enunciate "They'll be staying" in some pathetic, slurred dribble.
The sad thing is, it could happen.
Sky diving? So what. It is interesting, though, that Lewie chooses to take a stand on bling. I'd check his undies for metallic glitter.
Oh I'm sure you'd jump at the chance to check his undies 😂. Not surprised but funny how you walked into this one.
Speaking of which, did you and Fly guy get the planned "Stil We Rise" matching tattoos to celebrate Sir Lewis's loss? Or did inflation force a postponement? Lol
If Sir Lu wants to jump out of an airplane, that’s his business. If injured or worse, he is replaceable. Russell seems to be up to the task. As far as jewelry, it's pretty shallow of him to think that jewelry is part of him. My husband flew airplanes for years in the military and couldn’t wear his wedding ring due to safety reasons. He wasn’t less married. Lu’s mental state seems to be a little off-center these days.
That's what he told you as he left the house with an overnight bag
And honestly this is what y'all are ranting about now...jewelry?! As if he races with a wrist watch and big chain around his neck. I mean the bitching is getting ridiculous now Lol smh.
The Legend is entitled to a few perks so relax folks. Go do some introspection into your lives and stop the incessant unhealthy envy. Go do some spiritual chants for RB cauz they need it. Lol
As to skydiving, I would bet my last dollar that some of you hope that chute wouldn't open one of the times. I'm naming names too. Eh gutter-rat, folly Golly? I know Ror is not that demented but I wouldn't put it beyond the Fly. And I keep asking..... where is the whiny mascot Adrian the Roach? Did Covid get him? I know he'd be on the malfunctioned chute train. Lol
Jax, you are a sick SOB.
Back in the late 90's there was a spate of daredevil stunts at Niagara Falls.
On the front page of the Calgary Sun was a shot of this guy rocketing over the edge of Niagara. His jet-ski was 10 feet in front and five feet below him, with the foaming crest of the falls immediately behind.
He was in the classic "spread-eagle" pose after having pulled the rip cord, which you can clearly see flapping in the breeze. The chute didn't deploy. I cut it out and taped it to a whiteboard in the hallway at work under the heading: "Any Last Thoughts?"I got some great responses.
Sorry, but I thought that was hysterical, but it confirmed to me the idiocy of jumping out of a fully serviceable aircraft.
So, if Lulu wants to jump out of a plane, then far be it for me to object, christ, do 20 jumps in a day if that'll 'clear your head'.
What an entitled little p___k.
Well did you accidentally chop off your nuts while chopping wood Eh Lumberjack?😂
That would explain your fear of skydiving....no balls. Lol
Actually, I was going to learn how, but at the briefing, the head guy said, "... we'll throw the noobs out a 4,000 and go on up to 8,000 for our dive."
Like "We'll throw out the trash on the way to the party."
That same sky-diving club had a number of fatalities over the years. Can't imagine why.
Yeah yeah...sure sure. I believe you!! Lol
Well, Mr. Smartie-pants, my leathery scrotum contains two fully functional testes, and I don't care if you don't believe me.
So there!
If you had ever flown in a C-130 you would understand why we jumped. LOL As for Lewie, hey fun is fun. I'm sure that you got this response on your work whiteboard but, "I didn't think it through."
Bit of a tame name calling from you ROR. Still at least you're not wanting to go though his underpants this time.
A platoon of SAS are being briefed on the up-coming jump by the Lt when one soldier steps forward and asks: "Will we be wearing parachutes for this jump, sir?" Straight-faced the Lt replies: "Good question Sgt Major, on this jump they are optional, but highly recommended."
I had an retired SAS trooper as a math's tutor.
Off another site
Hamilton intends on spending the time between Melbourne and Imola encouraging everyone at the team, from the team in the factory to the big bosses and even the sponsors.
“There’s a lot of work, and there’ll be a lot of calls, naturally,” he said as per motorsport.com. “I’m on a lot of Zoom calls with all the sponsors and our bosses, really trying to rally them up.
Why Zoom, hes obviously then not flying back to UK, which is daft as its only then a quick flight to Italy,I suspect the last thing the Aero people wat is a 10 min zoom call off a driver, if he wants to make a difference get to the factory in between now and Italy, and as for speaking to the sponsors.... wtf , pointless in terms of making the car quicker, honestly, then he wonders why he gets slagged off, all the team working hard and hes in America f88king Zooming them.
"Encouraging everyone at the team..." and "...really trying to rally them up."
Lucy's pretentions are jaw-dropping.
Between working with Will Smith's acting career, designing dresses, managing his multiple properties, investing his money, and his virtue-signaling on a wide spectrum of critical social injustices, I've got to wonder how he ever manages to carve out the time to drive in F1.
For $2m PER RACE he finds a way. Hey, dreads and earrings are expensive.
LOL - at $2mil a race, I'd be happy to shed my dreads, drop the bling, christ, dye my hair a brilliant platinum blond even.
Oh no, not Dame Lucy! Nope, she gives the new Sherriff the bird, and tells him: "Oh yeah? I dare ya - I DOUBLE-DARE 'ya, mother-fu__er!!"
Yes Fly guy. He's should not do zoom calls like Toto and just go to the factory and risk catching Covid so he can test positive and miss a race or two. I'm sure you and your fellow dingbats would love that scenario. Lol smh.
Welcome to the inaugural leathery scrotum awards for present and past f1 staff.
The winner of this prestigious award voted for by F1 is none other than Mr Maurizio Arrivabene ex Ferrari Manager for overall leatheryness in the facial area, voting was close,although some nominatiotions had to be disallowed , The Knight was not allowed as some voters confused scrotums with complete di**heads..!
The rules for next yr should be easier as the Fia are involved in the drafting of new Regs .
My gawd, not more rules. We have now passed The Bible in page count. Spot on & LOL re Sir Lewie.
& why should he?
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