Because of several penalties due to engine and gearbox changes, the Belgian starting grid looks a lot different then the 2015 Belgian qualifying results.

You can see the 2015 Belgian Formula 1 grand prix starting grid here:

2015 Belgian F1 GP starting grid



  • Car 22 - 25 place grid penalty - First time eighth and seventh power unit elements have been used - Stewards' document no. 11
  • Car 14 - 30 place grid penalty - First time seventh and sixth power unit elements have been used - Stewards' document no. 12
  • Car 8 - 5 place grid penalty - Replacement Gearbox - Stewards' document no. 31
  • Car 22 - 25 place grid penalty - First time ninth and eighth power unit elements have been used - Stewards' document no. 32
  • Car 33 - 10 place grid penalty - First time a sixth power unit element has been used - Stewards' document no. 33
  • Car 14 - 25 place grid penalty - First time eighth and seventh power unit elements have been used - Stewards' document no. 34

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