The Schumacher Instinct | Greatest of all time | 2021 Documentary

What made Michael Schumacher so successful? How did he change the sport for good?
Join me as I both celebrate the outstanding success of Schumacher's career over a 20 year period which amounted to 7 world titles, 91 wins and legacy that changed the modern sport as we know it!
But what made him so successful, what traits and god given abilities allowed him to achieve the highest success of motorsport!
Here I argue why Schumacher is still regarded as the great of all time and why perhaps a Hamilton despite all his success may fall short of this status. This video has taken nearly two months to complete which admittedly could've taken less time but I had to watch nearly two decades worth of grand prix highlights to find out where his true brilliance came from!
Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
2:35 Foreword
4:50 The Early days and growning pains
10:09 How good is schumacher
11:28 Michael Schumacher Accident
13:15 How Schumacher is the fastest driver
17:46 Schumacher vs Hamilton
21:30 Finale
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